(YN): Uh, shouldn't we be looking for Luke Sarah and Nick??

Jane: Yea, but on a situation like this, you gotta ask yourselves "Will they risk their lives for you?" We got enough to worry about as it is, besides we don't know where they are, not sure if they're alive, or dead.

Clementine: Luke went off to save Sarah, I'm sure he's try to save us too.

Jane: Hope your right about that.

(YN): Clem look.

(YN) spots something on the floor, he walks up to it and to find a broke pair of glasses, pink ones, and can recognize them easily and picturing someone wearing them...

(YN): These glasses..

Clementine: Sarah! She's around here?!

(YN): If she were, we would've heard her by now...

Clementine: ...Oh no.

Jane: ...Looks like your friend didn't make it. Sorry, I don't know what to tell you-

Then, they heard...

Sarah: Get off me!

Luke: Sarah! God damn it!

The three heard voices, Sarah and Luke too, behind those fences inside those houses too...

(YN): Sarah! Like too!!

Clementine: They're alive! We have to find them.

Jane: Look, an opening over there, let's go in.

The three made a run for it to the opening fence to go in...but as they gave a turn on the corner, Clem and (YN) spot a Walker dangling and blocking the opening...and that Walker, sadly happen to be none other than Nick...

(YN): Oh no..

Clementine: Nick..oh gosh.

Jane: ...Look, he's your guys friend, one of you have to finish it.

Clem and (YN) both look at each other, and to feel bad to see Nick like this...so (YN) nods, as he gets to be the one to finish him, and send him off with his uncle Pete. So he approaches to him closer, pulls out his nail bat...

(YN): I'm sorry Nick, <adios>.

(YN) grips his bat, and to swing and land a hard hit onto Nick's head, busting it open as Nick was somewhat alive still and (YN) gives another swing and then to bust his open more and then to die for good...and felt bad for him at the same time still.

Jane: ...It's alright, it's now. But also..if this comes to Luke and Sarah too, you two need to be ready for it, no hesitation, you know that right?

Clementine: ..That's what we're afraid of.

Jane: Hm, okay, let's go get Sarah and Luke, we can do this.

Jane then shoves Nick's body as they enter the area, crawl and can hear Sarah and Luke's voice nearby, and to see some walkers around too, Jane then stops them...

Jane: Wait.

(YN): What is it now??

Jane: I wanna show you two a trick.

Clementine: A trick??

Jane: Watch this.

Jane sneaks up to one of the walkers, as he then kicks one of them to the knee, dropping them to the floor and to stab them on the head, which seems a easier way killing them when you're surrounded of course.

S2 Clementine x Male Reader (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now