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"Okay so what would you like to do?" Changbin asked the Australian walking beside him. He might as well have been skipping with how bouncy his walk was from excitement over the fact that Felix had messaged him the night prior, I guess I'm not busy tomorrow after classes. Changbin had replied, what about soccer practice? To which Felix had groaned and replied, we don't have practice tomorrow.

"I don't care," Felix answered.

They were just walking along the sidewalk, having been together since campus. Of course, Changbin having made sure that Felix was closest to the grass. The older looked around at things they could possibly do, but there wasn't really anything around. Soon enough a park came into view and Changbin saw the way Felix's eyes lingered on the area so he spoke up, "hey, let's hang out at the park, I want to swing."

"Okay," Felix replied, but smiled softly with excitement when Changbin walked ahead of him and couldn't see it.

They sat at the swings, Changbin encouraging the younger to sit beside him, "so, what should we talk about?"

"I don't care," Felix replied with a shrug as he start swinging just a little.

"Okay then can I tell you more about me?" Changbin asked.

Felix scoffed, "knock yourself out."

"Okay um, I told you my birthday is in August, I'm a music major and I'm from Yongin," Changbin stated.

Felix wasn't sure what made him say, "that's all basic things."

Changbin smiled, happy that maybe just maybe Felix really did want to know more, "what do you want to know then?"

Felix sighed and reminded himself about the fact that, that very moment, hanging out with Changbin, would do no good if he didn't try, "um, what are some of your hobbies? Other than music."

"I like to draw," Changbin nodded, "I almost tried for a minor in Art cause at one point I thought about becoming a tattoo artist. But then I realized I really wanted to go into music."

"What else? Other hobbies?" Felix asked, not even looking at the older, just focusing on his swing.

"Not really, what about you?" Changbin asked.

The Australian dodged the question, "do you know your personality type?"

"I don't," Changbin shook his head.

Felix hummed in response, "you should take the test."

And that's how the next ten minutes was spent. Changbin taking the test, reading the questions out loud and answering in silence. Felix tried to seem like he didn't care about the results, but he kind of did. He was curious about what kind of person he was. Obviously Changbin was and extrovert. He seemed pretty bold too. He wasn't sure what else, "It says ESFP."

"So Extroverted..." Felix trailed off.

(I'm making up percentages here okay? Okay.)

"seventy seven percent extroverted, eighty three percent sensing, eighty four percent feeling, and seventy two percent perceiving," Changbin read off, "ESFP's is an entertainer personality."

"Strengths and weaknesses?" Felix asked, earning a confused look from the older. Felix exhaled a chuckle from his nose and leaned over, a bit, looking at the older's phone screen, "there should be a strengths and weaknesses tab thing, and there's relationships, friendships, career paths and stuff."

Changbin nodded and looked around on his phone until he found it, "Okay, strengths, first one is that I'm apparently bold."

"Knew it," Felix muttered to himself.

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