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"Hi, um, could you help me find class one-o-six?" Changbin asked a male who was walking by, "it feels like i've looked everywhere."

"Oh, for sure, I'm actually headed there," Jake smiled as he pointed in the direction he was facing.

Changbin turned around in a way that made Jake laugh before the older said, "I'm Changbin."

"I'm Jake, it's nice to meet you," the younger said, "today your first day?"

"Yeah, I just transferred here," Changbin replied, "I had applied hear two years ago, but they never replied until now, and so I was able to transfer here."

"Super cool," Jake nodded, "this place is pretty cool, it's my first year here."

"We can explore the experience together then," the older stated.

"Definitely," Jake nodded, "are you in any sports?"

"No, are you?" Changbin replied.

"Yeah, that's why I had asked, we could use some more subs," the younger chuckled, "but that's okay. And hey, classroom, we have arrived."

"Sweet, wanna sit next to each other if we can?" Changbin asked.

The younger nodded, "hell yeah."

"Nice," Changbin smiled as he and the other entered the classroom, finding two seats in a good spot in the classroom and pulling out their materials as the younger asked, "where are you from?"

"Oh, I'm from Yongin," Changbin replied, "what about you?"

"Australia," The younger nodded.

"Oh nice," Changbin said, "what's Australia like?"

"Chaos," Jake simply replied, causing Changbin to laugh before their class officially started and they had to pay attention to the lesson.

Though, after their classes ended, Jake and Changbin went to a nearby fast food place to get to  talk more and eventually, Changbin discovered Jake's willingness to sign up for a sport all because he found the team captain cute, "that's so fair actually."

"You don't think it's crazy?" The younger asked as he took a sip of his drink.

"No, it's definitely crazy, but a good crazy," Changbin nodded, "you should ask him out."

"There's no way you actually just said that," Jake laughed.

"Come on, why not?" Changbin asked.

"You've heard of leagues right?" The younger asked.

The older furrowed his eyebrows, "what?"

"You've heard of leagues? And what it means to be out of one?" Jake asked, causing Changbin to laugh.

The older spoke once he had calmed down, "What does this guy even look like?"

"Dreamy," the younger chuckled, "honestly, he's so cute."

"More details, is he your age?" Changbin asked, eating a fry.

"I..don't know," the younger replied.

"And this is why you should talk to him," Changbin said, "ask him out."

"No shot," Jake shook his head.

"Ask him for his number then," the older shrugged.

"No shot part two," Jake laughed.

"Where is the harm in asking for his number?" Changbin questioned, "he's your team captain so just tell him that you want to be able to get ahold of him and obtain the number."

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