He couldn't return to a life of nothing.

His siblings looked down on him, his old man wasn't going to give him anything. Everything he had, he worked for it. This world, this life was his only way of having a good life.

After everything he had done, he couldn't be a normal man.

What was he supposed to do? Get a job, a house, a white picket fence, the wife, and the kids?

Technically he had the wife.

The fake wife.

But he couldn't get a job. It wasn't like he wasn't a hard worker. He had busted his ass every fucking day. But his way of dealing with shit wasn't the way of the normal world. He wouldn't be able to adapt to that shit and he wouldn't be happy.

Take down a family.

That wasn't really an option. Not with his limited resources.

Niccolo's only defense right now was that no one knew where they were. Eventually, they would. Someone had to be on the lookout for him, tracking him. Heck, they might have found this place.

Even if no one else got their hands on the journal, as long as they got rid of Niccolo, it would be fine. It would be done. The De Luca would be a thing of the past. Before, he had been the only one left, the only one to carry the legacy.

Now it would end with him.

He couldn't even do that.

Would it have been different if he hadn't taken this path? If he'd gone the usual way? Finding a girl with a name, marrying her - or not - and knocking her up? Then there would have someone to keep going...

But what would that kid have? Nothing, because nothing was left.

Though, if he had done that, he wouldn't have been involved with Gabriella like this. Well, he might have gotten caught up, but he wouldn't have ended up marrying her or almost dying for her. She would have been on her own.

Or... would she have been?

What was he doing?

What the fuck did he do?


"I think I fucked up."

Lucas chuckled. "You think?" He pulled out a chair and sat next to him. "So I don't put my foot in my mouth. Where do you think you fucked up?"

He lost everything - he said he did it so the Devil wouldn't win. But it wasn't - it wasn't all. He would die to eliminate him but - now he'd lost everything. Was everything worth the cost? For a fight that wasn't his?

Or wasn't it?

"I don't have anything, do I?"

"You got a few things. A few men, a few hideouts. Some money."

"I ain't getting back on top anytime soon."

"No, you're not."

No one else would dare be this honest with him, but Lucas would. It was one of the reasons he had kept him around so long. Someone to remind him of what was real. Even though, it wasn't a reality check he wanted at the moment.

It had taken a long time to earn trust and power. For a while, he had lost a lot of his father's followers. They didn't believe in the bastard with the wrong blood. Even if he knew it wasn't the case.

How long would it take for someone to side with him?

A man who, on paper, had lost it all for a woman?

Mafia Wife (Mafia Series Book #2)Where stories live. Discover now