"Are you going to wait until we hear back from the council before contacting other packs?" Reed drags my thoughts back to our conversation.

Earlier, Dad and I agreed to reach out to Dark Rains and Western-Crest because they were the closest. "I'm going to call Alpha Owen, Dad's going to contact the Alpha at Western."

Reed nods slowly, "Okay. That makes sense but..."

"Again, but?"

"Nothing, nothing. I just wish I'd been to the last few summits. I think there might be a lot of scents that I'm missing."

"You think it's someone from one of the other packs?" I hadn't considered that. We've all been on good terms as far back as I can remember. I haven't been able to come up with a list of anyone who has a problem with me and no one outside Shady Woods knows about Alec.

"Not exactly," Reed sits forward, leaning towards me seriously. "I just think it's odd that only a few weeks after the last summit, we have a stranger show up?"

"You think I pissed someone off that bad last time," I try to laugh it off but now I'm trying to recall if I might have done something or said something wrong when we were at Dark Rains a few weeks ago. "Why didn't you say something to my parents?" I have taken on most of the daily Alpha tasks, but Dad is still at the top.

Reed waves a hand at me and sits back. "I can't just accuse another pack to the Alpha, just on a hunch. Besides, there are some things a Beta has to take care of."


"Don't mind me, I'll let you make your phone call. I know you want to get your work done before Luna Alec wakes up." Reeds gets up and heads to the door.

"Luna Alec?" Reed's probably the second best person to know Alec's bad temper and attitude to me, I thought he might not come around to my mate this soon.

Pausing in the doorway, "He is Luna, isn't he? And now he knows about us."

"YEah, but he doesn't know...you know, about everything!"

Reed shrugs my words away. "He's here. He's my Luna, it's what's right. But I won't call him that to anyone but you for now."

Speechless, I just look at him.

"I know," he smiles. "I'm pretty awesome, right?" And he's gone out the door.

Remind the others not to use Alec's title either. I let Reed know. Telling Alec about our positions in the pack is a conversation I am not exactly looking forward to. Baby steps, I'm still trying to keep him from dumping me.

Roger that. And Reed's footsteps disappeared down the hall. Reed always seems cavalier but he has a keen sense of observation. Reed's given me a lot to think about regarding our, or, my latest interactions with the other packs. And how I'm going to integrate Alec into the pack without him fully flipping out.

That is later me's problem.

Opening the top drawer of my desk I pull out my cell phone, where I usually store it when I go out on runs. Dark Rains only uses landlines while on their remote pack lands, scrolling through my contacts I find Alpha Owen's office contact and hit call.

"Dark Rains." An unknown voice answers after several rings.

"Hi, this is Alpha Christopher from Shady Woods, is your Alpha available?"

"I'm sorry, he left for a distance run with his mate a little bit ago. Is this urgent? Oh, hold on-" There's some muffled talking on the other line before the call is picked up by Evan.

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