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['Passion is the genesis of genius' - Galileo Galilei]


"It's finally over!" Ivie gleefully said, before slumping to the cold concrete below.

Honestly, she wasn't quite sure where she had ended up. Her team was doing a sweep of an abandoned warehouse along the London river bank when their suspected perpetrators fled. Almost forty-five minutes later her adrenaline had been completely drained from the chase.

"You climbed that wall like it was on your route to work, damn newbie."

Ivie had to look up to see the head of her team because at this point she was so tired that she was actually lying on the floor. She was a pretty, tall-ish woman with dark yet shining eyes and thick dark hair flowing to her shoulders with a secure block fringe that Ivie was convinced was glued to her forehead.

"What can I say... maybe if my parents were going to get so mad at me for climbing trees they shouldn't have named me after a plant that only climbs.  Anyways what should we do now, boss?"

"Please... I... ugh anyways, we need to get these guys in interrogation rooms stat"

"Yes boss" Ivie said with a chuckle, knowing the name annoyed the one in charge, as she peeled herself off the floor.

Despite no words being said between the pair Ivie could tell that her team leader was rolling her eyes as they walked away from the scene with the two suspects in tow.

"Please just call me Emily, now come on let's go"


Considering the circumstances, having a dream about one of her major cases with Emily was quite fitting. Maybe it was because Emily had been oh so gracious and given her the key to her old apartment near Quantico (with strict instructions that she could use it for as long as it took her to find somewhere else), or maybe because she was the one who gave Ivie a referral to the Behavioural Analysis Unit of the FBI. Honestly, it probably would have been weirder if Emily hadn't appeared in her dreams, weeks of files being passed back and forth had led up to the interview in...

"Less than an hour, oh shit"

Scurrying to put on clothes and grab everything she needed, Ivie rushed out the door, heading straight for the stairs. Almost tripping, she rushed into the underground garage of the apartment complex and then realised, she couldn't exactly remember what the rental car she had been given looked like. Closing her eyes she thought back to the smell, sound and looks of the rental shop at the airport.

Passion and genius | Dr Spencer ReidWhere stories live. Discover now