55 | Detachment (1)

Start from the beginning

She glared at him, and he responded by reaching his arm out for her. Keiko rolled her eyes but took his hand anyway, and he hoisted her up behind him. Hesitantly, she wrapped her arms around his waist, earning a grin of victory from him.

"I'll try not to drop ya, pretty."

"And I'll try not to push you off."

. . .

Much to Keiko's surprise, the worst thing about the ride was not that she was a few thousand feet from falling to her death, but it had to be listening to Deidara go on and on about how great his art was, and his shitty attempts at flirting with her. He was an ear sore, really, but luckily for her he got her there just in time if not early. He had offered to escort her inside as well, however she was gone before he even finished the sentence. 

She walked into the big cave opening, and it seemed like the light escaped it the moment she took a step inside. It was lit up with candles that hung from the walls, wax melting down creating more of a spooky atmosphere. Her footsteps echoed throughout corridor, bringing up the thought that she may be in the wrong place. Once again, she was proven wrong when Madara slipped out of the shadows behind her, walking towards her in complete silence.

"Glad to see Deidara has brought you here in one piece."

Keiko flinched at the sudden noise, almost backing away until she recognized who was speaking to her. The familiar orange swirl lingered in the corner of her vision, inching closer with each step she took.

"Next time, send a different form of transportation if you want the guarantee of me arriving here with blood still rushing through my veins." she said, sneering at the man before letting out another gory cough. 

Madara caught her as she fell forward, blood dripping through the cracks of her hands.

"This extraction thing better get rid of this. It's been going on for days now."

"Don't worry, child. You have to wait no longer. Look up."

She took a few deep breaths before opening her eyes, and immediately they widened. A large statue stood in front of her, in the form of a cluster of scaled wings. There were what seemed to be closed eyes on both sides of it. 

"This is the tenshi statue. Sister to the geto. It'll make the process a little less.. rough."

Keiko wasn't sure if her eyes were deceiving her, or if the wings and eyes on the statue where actually moving. Yet despite its eerie appearance she didn't find it frightening. There was a sort of motherly aura to it that she couldn't quite understand. She was sure that she'd later regret to think that thought, because this structure would be seperating some of her soul to get the bad parts out; or at least some of it.

Madara helped Keiko stand up on her feet, using the back of his glove to wipe the splotches of blood on the corners of her mouth. She pushed his hand away and slowly stepped towards the statue. It was only then that she caught sight of a familiar patch of long blue hair, and how elegantly it swayed as her sensei turned back to look at her.

"You've arrived just in time." she placed her hands together, looking at her student with an expression that calmed the girls nerves. "I'm afraid that this time, you shalln't be running away."

Keiko winced at the sudden feeling of pain in the back of her neck. "That was my mistake. I'll try and stay put this time."

"You have no choice but to." said the deeper voice, and she turned around to watch Madara approach her with a levitating stone slab, brushing it off then motioning for her to lay down.

She watched him with dismay as he placed his hands on his hips almost as if to say 'what's the harm'? Moments later she found herself chained up to the slab once again, but this times the chains felt heavier on her wrists. They were cold to the touch yet they looked as though were steaming from the contact with her skin. It felt like she was on an operating table. Often, it'd be her who was standing above it. She wasn't sure how this time she got herself chained down to it.

 She then got a view of a syringe apporaching her, the sharp end shining and ready to pierce her. Her palms started to grow sweaty as she realized that this was really happening. Madara then bent down to her level, face next to her ear. Carefully, he presed the tip of the syringe to her neck, and his other on the edge of his mask. Keiko widened her eyes as he lifted it up just enough of it to see his mouth and the unprecendented scars that tattered the side of his face.

His lips parted, just about to talk, but stopped almost hesitantly. She tried to move to get a better view of him but he had backed away by the time she managed to adjust her head to the side. He placed his hand on her chin and guided her face to stare back up at the ceiling.

"You're very valueable to me, Keiko. I will not let this extraction hurt you."

The voice that spoke this time was much lighter, raspier. It sounded nothing like the Madara that she knew. It almost sounded.. young. Yet even with his change of pitch the words still felt empty to her. She knew that it was not intended to make her feel better; but to tell her where she stood in his game. 

And with that she felt a sharp pain on the side of her neck, he began backing away and lowering the mask back down on his face. Keiko felt the blood trickle down her neck and onto the cold stone, vision beginning to blur and consciouness fading. Whatever they had used this time was much more effective than back at the chunin exams. 

Through whatever strength she had left she made out the figure of Tsukiko standing above her. The woman's soft hands made its way to cup the sides of her face, leaning down to meet Keiko's eyes and press a soft kiss to her forehead. When her lips made contact to her skin she saw the wings of the statue begin to unfold and the eyes blink open. Before she could make sight of what the wings were covering, Keiko slipped into a unconsciousness. 

Once she opened her eyes again, she found herself in a different place. The smell of wood overtook her senses and the faint sound of a river rushing surrounded her. Suddenly, the world seemed much more realistic. 

Keiko stood in the middle of a forest. The only odd thing about this was, it seemed like she had been here. Of course, all forests looked a bit similar, but there was some sort of homey feeling to this one. Knowing that, it made it all the more dangerous to be in it. She looked down, and noticed that instead of her normal attire, she wore a long off white kimono that was tied together by a black string. Her hands still felt heavy, however, and that was when she realized that the black chains were still hung around them. 

"Rei?" she called out, stepping forward and feeling the soft dirt sink beneath her. 

She looked up at the tree's above her and stared at the sky full of stars. Somehow, she felt almost at peace here, and maybe would've felt completely safe if a black dash just swung by her through the trees. The hairs on her skin raised up, and as she looked to follow it she noticed a symbol she knew all too well.

This was the forest where she died.

. . .

| Had to cut this chapter short to add a backstory chapter. Hoping to publish it today!!

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