The Lion

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"Azure you're sulking again"

"Yeah brother. Why you look so down?"

Peng and Tusk his two Sworn brothers looked at him with a raised brow and concern. "You look like you heard a bad news or something" Peng Grumbled, And looked at the poor Lion with his Sharp Eyes. "No I'm fine really." He sighs and Waved it off "Let's just go. Everyone must be waiting" He nods, the two not forcing him anymore so they entered in the large Hall filled with soldiers and The council of heaven.

All of them are summoned for a meeting regarding about...well Maybe The Celestial Realm or the Mortal Realm.

Although he hopes it's about the Mortal Realm since literally The poor land is in state of attacks and demons Forcing them to be slaves. "Ya think it's about the Mortal Realm?" Peng Whispered, and Tusk Glanced to him. "I sure hope. We passed a Report about that matter. Right Brother Azure?" Tusk smiled, and Azure Nods "yeah multiple times." And By multiple times maybe a hundreth. All of those reports are about the State of the realm and how the Demons are growing and more Threatening to the Mortal Life.

Mortals aren't strong. They're fragile and easy to die.

"Shhh! It's starting!" Peng Grinned. And the Doors closed. "Alright everyone be quiet" the councils Head Sighs And looked at all of the Soldiers,Captains and Generals that are present in the Room. "We'll be having a meeting for now." The old Man Nods, and Grabbed his papers. "So regarding about the-underworld was it?" He said and The generals Nods.

"Right-the Maidens who are responsible to all of the archives are....having a hard time"

"About what exactly?"

"Sinners has been rebellous to Yan Wang and their way of handling everything. But to no choice they have to Um-trap them somewhere"

"Hm-we'll Send a paper for the Jade Emperor. As for the Mortal world"

Azure awaited, eager to hear a New Change from the council. Dapeng and Tusk are also waiting for them to speak. "A growing population of Demons...hmmm...also stated here that the Celestial Council should change." The old man raised a brow, skimming through the thick paper that he's holding.

"Who passed this?"

He asked, Glancing to The Eagle. Azure Sweatdropped while Tusk Snorted "I am." Peng raised his hand, and the old man sighs "look These aren't Important." He said, ticking off The eagle and maybe also Azure.

"So The well being of the Mortal world is not also your concern?" Tusk said, Azure Agrees to this as he stood up "listen Elder the Mortal land has been under our guard for quite some time now. And all of them are suffering" He said but the council Waved it off as they closed the papers and put it aside. "Look Azure The Mortal realm is already fine as it is. There's no need for it to be changed." He said And Peng Gritted his teeth.

Miss Porcelain and The Lion [Azure Lion]Where stories live. Discover now