Yes, Sif and the Warriors Three were in the books already for their heroic deeds and skills on the battlefield. They fought many wars already.

"Why do you ask?" Sif wondered.

"Just curious. There is lore on Midgard about the Norse Gods and Goddesses. Some things don't quite add up."

"And you're trying to figure out what is real and what isn't."

"In a sense. Though I'm not here to tackle what is and isn't real in Asgard's history. Just makes for some interesting readings."

Sif leaned a little forward and spoke lowly, "I take it your search for the stones hit a dead end."

"It was definitely insightful in more way than I thought possible... but yes. I didn't really learn much of anything new about the Aether, unfortunately."

"Sorry our historian couldn't have been more help in that area."

Anya's shoulders shrugged. "At the rate things are going I will be stuck with this dark matter for life. So I have plenty of time to learn more about it."

"And the risks."

"My whole job is a risk among S.H.I.E.L.D. I just figure, what's one more?"

Another area of the library that caught Anya's attention was the study and practice of mystic arts. The play in the amphitheater continued to bug the young woman. Enough so that she went back a few more times to watch the display. Though not on the dais alongside Odin. Instead, she remained in the crowd and changed her outer appearance to not alert him to her presence. Or the guards. Her hair really did stand out in a crowd.

From a distance, the ruler's odd characteristics stood out even more. He wasn't as professional like in the past. As strict and stone faced. He was laid back. Like he didn't have the Nine Realms to keep an eye on and a lack of a proper gatekeeper. And the agent hadn't been imagining things when it came to the script of the play. There were words exchanged that Odin couldn't have known about. If he was the one that wrote this. But the young woman didn't want to jump the gun. So she retreated back to the library to try and piece things together.

She picked up books and journals on the practices of ancient mystic arts and their origins. The various tribes and which practices they specialized in. And where Frigga came from. Her people. Her talents. Her illusions. Her tricks. They very closely resembled Anya's own gift when it came to mirages. And Loki's talents to hide in plain sight, create duplicates of himself, or weasel his way into the minds of his opponents. What Frigga left behind was extraordinary. Most enlightening. If only Thor's mother was actually here in person to train her personally.

The Mystics of Illusions from The Covens, the young woman read the latest title she pulled from the shelf.

"I can see that your searches not only lead you to the Aether," a voice said.

Her head picked up to find Odin approaching.

"I find it most interesting to see you among Frigga's collection of journals and texts."

"I've found myself at the end of Asgard's knowledge on the Aether," she answered. "Figured I should find something else to pass the time until Thor returns."

The ruler brushed off the last comment. "And have you learned anything new in your research of the Aether? To give yourself closure."

"I believe so. But I've at least begun to understand now that the Aether will always be a mystery in itself. And maybe I can never learn everything I wish about it."

"You have probably encountered one of the more elusive and mysterious Infinity Stones out of the lot of them out there. We have much more information on the Tesseract."

Book 4: Arcane [Thor]Where stories live. Discover now