Chapter Fifteen

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2 Marriages and 4 Kids Later

I held Drew so close and so tight as if she'd be taken away. She snuggled closer into me as she slept peacefully. I was awake awaiting for our routine assault. On cue, our bedroom door flew open and the heavy sound of four pairs of feet vibrated the room.

"¡BUORGIORNO!" The kids exclaimed

Drew's eyes popped open as she braced for impact. Junior led the pack and was the first to pounce; I caught him with ease. Cameron came in next, and I was able to spare Drew so that she had enough time to prepare for the next round. She sat up quickly as the girls attacked two at a time. Drew let out a small groan, letting me know that she was probably elbowed in a sensitive area. Despite the pain, her smile widened quickly as she tickled and kissed all over our children. I watched in love and admiration of her ability to parent so easily. I knew I was in love with Drew, but she made me fall all over again when I watched her become the mother that she needed. As hectic as our days and nights were, there was no other place I would rather be. I made a promise to her years ago and I fulfilled it.

"Can we stay with you today?" Olivia asked

"I don't see why not." I answered

"No, you have school." Drew countered

I looked over at her to see that she was glaring at me. My children turned me soft, even softer than I was with Drew. She was the assertive one when it came to raising the children. I definitely spoiled them more than I should have, but I would never admit that to her.

"Pleasssseeee mommy." Olivia begged

Olivia was the eldest and the ringleader. Although Junior (Nasir) was the troublemaker, she was the brains of any scheme that would result in any of them getting their way. For a six-year-old, she was cunning and strategic just like her mother.

"Absolutely not, Olivia. School is important; besides, your father and I have to work."

"Awwww." Junior chimed

"Go get ready." Drew instructed

All of them quickly exited the bed, well as quick as they could. Abrielle, the baby, struggled to get down so I helped her. Once they were out of the room, I pulled Drew into my arms.

"You are so mean." I complained

"You enable them."

"That's what I'm supposed to do."

She leaned up to kiss me deeply on the lips. I gave in easily and slipped my tongue into her mouth. She moaned involuntarily, which made me want more.

"We have to help Bri and Cam." she said pulling away

I whined as she rolled her eyes.

"You're the one who wanted all these kids. Now get up." she bossed

Listening her give commands made my dick twitch. Just wait till I get her to myself again.

We left the room to check on the kids. We had to ensure that they brushed their teeth and washed their faces properly. The twins could dress themselves, but they needed help putting outfits together. Abrielle and Cameron were practically helpless, but they were only three and four years old, respectively.

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