Chapter Two

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*Some Italian exchanges will not be exact in order to preserve the original meaning in English*

Over the next few months, there was still no action. She never let me in and she was good at standing her ground. There was almost no time to talk with her on a personal level because she was always working. It was what I paid her for but still. I had never spent this much time around a woman without taking her to bed.

Giorgio warned me shortly after China that it was best to leave her be. She was so stubborn and headstrong that she would never cave in. I began to believe him after about a month of traveling with her. The more time I spent around her, the more I came to see that she wasn't interested in me in the slightest. I gave up the idea of ever getting her into bed, it was clearly a waste of time.

She often stood up to me, never afraid to back down. Besides the fact that I was her boss, I was well known in the business world, so her courage to voice her opinions didn't go unnoticed.

Her small frame expelled confidence and the heads in all of the rooms turned when she walked in. Her outfits were always professional and business like, yet it didn't stop men from salivating over her. I don't think she ever really noticed the attention she held in a room.

"Giancarlo vuole vederti." Giorgio stated interrupting my thoughts

(Giancarlo wants to see you.)

I looked over to see Drew sleeping. She often did this as we traveled to the next location. Sleep for thirty minutes, work for four hours, then repeat.

"L'Italia non è sulla strada." I told him

(Italy is out of the way.)

"Sì, ma è Giancarlo."

(Yeah, but it's Giancarlo.)

We were supposed to be on our way to South Korea from Peru. The course we were already on was not meant to include Europe.

"Cosa vuoi fare?" Giorgio asked

(What do you want to do?)

I thought to myself for a second. Giorgio was right. I have been wanting this deal to go through with Giancarlo for awhile now. This was a top priority.

"Informa il pilota del cambiamento."

(Inform the pilot of the change.)

"Farà domande." Giorgio nodded towards Drew

(She'll ask questions.)

"Allora lo capiremo." I shrugged

(Then we'll make something up.)

It's not like she had much of an input. The company was paying for her travel and all expenses. To her, it would be a day off.


Choosing Abelia as Drew's tour guide was comical. Giorgio and I both had Abelia a few times and she always dropped everything when we were in town. Abelia was more than disappointed to discover that she would be babysitting Drew instead of having her way with either of us.

Giorgio and I traveled together until we reached my destination. The hotel was on the outskirts of the city to keep a hidden profile. Giorgio would go on to appease Giancarlo until I was finished with my routine.

"Giovanni, I've missed you..." Giselle purred

Giancarlo was more than aware of his daughter's attraction for me. But I knew it wasn't a smart idea to flaunt how I was screwing her brains out whenever I visited Italy. Giancarlo and I had been discussing partnerships and if he found out I was defiling his "sweet" daughter, then I'm sure that would be a problem and a headache.

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