Chapter Eleven

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Unlike with Giselle, I did worry about leaving Drew with my family. My dad didn't say much, but Gabi could be a little much and my mother was so cutthroat sometimes. But in order to protect Drew, I had to do what was necessary. The O'Malley's would not stop until I conceded, and I would never do that.

Giorgio made me drive back into the city, since I was catering to Drew on the drive down. We made back up after back up of plans, as we always did. We were always prepared. We had to be.

Upon our arrival, we had men ready to go to war. We relayed as much information as they needed to know in order to complete the task and then we waited. We laid low for a couple of days, staying out of sight to ensure that the plan went smoothly.

In the dead of the night, we drove down to the O'Malley's territories in a convoy like position. The O'Malleys only controlled the Bronx borough, but their territory covered enough space that we shouldn't underestimate them. We planned to hit the O'Malley's at their residences and their businesses.

Giorgio and I took separate cars to ensure that the jobs would be completed to our satisfaction. We didn't wear suits, but we did wear all black. Being comfortable was necessary for this job. Once we became established, we didn't have to personally carry out missions unless necessary.

I always carried a pistol, but this time I was also armed with an assault rifle. I carried the back as I trotted with a team toward the O'Malley sons' homes. The two sons lived a house apart from one another in the same neighborhood. All of the houses here were grouped together, leaving no space in between them. The O'Malleys had their own organized business for years, but their money and their power never stretched farther than this borough. Because of this, the brothers and their families would die at the same time.

I gave the signal to move forward and that is when the shooting began. The guards that were posted outside the houses were the first to die. We could've used silencers, but it was intentional to make as much noise as possible.

My men circled around the back to ensure that all guards and all possible escape routes would be eliminated. Next, the assault within the homes. We knew that there was a high chance that there were others present who weren't the sons, such as wives, girlfriends and children. If we wanted to be civil, we would've planned the hit for the daytime.

The houses suffered endless assault from the bullets. Once the first wave was finished, a second team went in to ensure whoever wasn't hit, would be. I could hear the quick double taps that the automatic weapons made from the direct hits to bodies. I was soon given a signal that I was free to enter into one of the homes. I made my way upstairs where one of the brothers was still alive, barely breathing.

As his bloodied body heaved up and down, he used the last of his energy to look up at me. I pulled out my pistol and pointed it to his temple. He looked as if he wanted to say something. Before he could get a word out, I pulled the trigger, allowing his blood to splatter all over me.

My men followed me downstairs and just as I took my foot off of the last step, a gun was shot, and I immediately ducked. One of O'Malley's men was lying on the floor, severely injured. They missed one, but he wasn't alive for much longer. My anger would be voiced, but now was not the time. The police would be on their way.

I re-entered the truck, and the driver began the journey to a warehouse. I met with my brother, who appeared to be unscathed and satisfied. I nodded at him, and he nodded back, signaling that everything was taken care of.

"Who missed that target?" I questioned to the room

Both Giorgio and I's team was present, but there was no confusion as to whom I was talking to. Slowly five hands were raised, and I approached them all. I forced them down onto their knees, before pointing my rifle at them and firing. Their bodies fell forward, and I stepped away. I didn't have to request a cleanup because there were men who were fumbling to get to their bodies.

Giorgio looked at me curiously and I stared back at him. He stepped closer to me and stuck his index finger out and poked me in the right arm. I instinctively hissed and moved away. He chuckled and I stared him down.

"You're hurt." he noted

I hadn't noticed due to the adrenaline. I ignored him and walked away. We didn't have time for this. We had other things that we had to do. Giorgio followed me into the office, where he pulled out a first aid kit.

I removed my shirt as quickly as possible. I sat on the desk and while shirtless, I opened up the first aid kit. I placed a gauze on the wound and quickly wrapped my arm in a bandage. It was not neat, but it would hold the gauze in place.

"I'll call Jackson." Giorgio announced

"No time." I rejected

Giorgio did not press the issue and we continued with the plan. A few hours later, we were headed to our respective places for the night, finally being able to rest without staying alert. Once I made it to my suite, I washed up using the bathroom sink, soap bar, and a rag. I didn't want to risk getting my wound wet and I didn't want to further aggravate it by using my right arm.

Once I was cleaned up, I glanced in the mirror, debating on whether I should shave before seeing Drew. I knew she would have so many questions, but I would leave her in the dark. If she knew what I did tonight, I was sure she would see me as a monster. But that's who I am. A monster. Tonight alone, I've killed women and children. But it was necessary. To protect Drew, to end this war. But most importantly, to feel power.

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