Chapter Seven

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Omniscient POV

As Francesco gave Giovanni the cold shoulder, the women gathered in the kitchen to begin preparing dinner. Giselle stood off to the side, not knowing what she should do or what she should say. Carla began instructing the room of what the meal was to consist of and Gabriella got to work without hesitation. 

Giselle stood aimlessly as the women worked. When Carla realized that Giselle hadn't moved, she stopped what she was doing to comfort the young girl.

"Non devi essere a disagio. Puoi preparare la salsa." Carla offered

(You don't have to be uncomfortable. You can make the sauce.)

"Non sono cucino." Giselle said shamelessly

(I don't cook.)

There was a silence that engulfed the room. Even Gabriella stopped what she was doing to stare at Giselle. 

"Non cucini?" Carla clarified

(You don't cook?)

"No, non ho mai imparato."

(No, I never learned.)

"E perché?"

(Why is that?)

"Non ne ho bisogno. Ho sempre avuto chef e ho intenzione di continuare a farlo."

(I don't need to. I have always had chefs and I plan to continue to do so.)

Carla had no words for the young girl. She couldn't believe her ears. Had Giovanni really considered marrying a girl like this? She couldn't cook and not because she was unable to, but because she was unwilling to learn. It was clear that she was spoiled and raised with a silver spoon. 

Carla was silent as she continued making dinner for her family. Gabriella knew what her mother was thinking and also remained silent. Unlike her mother, Gabriella was not as judgmental, but was a little concerned for her brother. She knew that cooking and cleaning were not necessary character traits for marriage, but she had a feeling Giselle was a little spoiled and high maintenance. 

Giselle kept herself busy being on her phone and stepping in and out of the kitchen to make phone calls. Whenever Giselle was out of earshot, Carla made comments that Gabriella knew was not made to elicit a response.

When dinner was complete, only Gabriella and Carla set and served the table as Giselle remained useless. By this time, Giorgio had arrived with an empty belly and an instigating aura. He knew that Giselle would not be able to hide her true self for too long and he was more than excited to see Giselle and his mother butt heads. 

It was silent while everyone ate, very uncommon for the Amantes'. The men were unaware of what transpired in the kitchen, but they knew it was something unsavory due to Carla's silence. Gabriella cleared her throat in an attempt to dispel the awkwardness of it all.

"So, Giselle, what part of Italy are you from?" Gabriella questioned

"Gabriella..." Carla warned, "Per favore, parlate in Italiano."

(Please, speak in Italian.)

Gabriella let out an annoyed sigh before re-asking the question in her native language.

"Sono di Firenze." Giselle answered

(I am from Florence.)

Before any time could pass, Carla couldn't contain herself and had to make it known that she was displeased with her son's choice.

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