Alone Chapter 4 - 5

Start from the beginning

"We've been over this," Andras said, tone steel sharp.

"Yeah, well, I want to go over it again. After putting Beast on the ground, crippling Banana, and tearing me a spare one, he just fucking ran both of you into the ground. That's not fucking human and you know it." Dart's lips twisted into a sneer.

Mr. Snake's words were cool with disinterest. "We knew what we were coming to do, Dart."

Dart looked between Andras, Mr. Snake, and Beast, unwilling to let it go. "I can't be the only one that has a problem with this. He's not of God, he's a defiled." Andras opened his mouth, Dart quickly cutting in ruthlessly. "It doesn't matter that he's not Umbrae Lunae, we know he's not born of God's grace. We don't need to know more. It's either of God or needs killing. Do I need to remind you of the Teachings?"

"Thank you, no. I remember all too well the Teachings they hammered into us at the Kennel," Mr. Snake said.

Despite the man's words, Dart quoted anyway. "That which is not of God is of the Leviathan. Its heads are many, but its root is corruption. Be it woman, man, or babe, that which is not born of God is a seed of violation planted in the Garden of Eden. Tear them from the earth, cast them to the wind, burn and salt the ground to prevent the spread of its seed." Darts hand dropped to the twisted needle of a knife that rode her hip, fingers caressing along the handle.

Glaring at her pack, Dart thrilled at the power of staring down Mr. Snake and Beast. Andras met her eyes squarely, thumbs tucked into his belt where his two Bowie knives rested. "That's what the Hounds are. We're the fire and salt of God. We purify the earth. We don't allow weeds to choke the garden."

Beast and Mr. Snake shuffled uneasily at her words, exchanging uncertain looks. But it wasn't about them. They might be great warriors, but they weren't the ones with the passion to capture hearts and minds. They didn't have that special something that made a leader. This fight was between Dart and Andras. The small woman had the fire and drive, an arrogance that brought others into her wake. While Andras was steady, unmovable and obstinate, he'd given his loyalty and nothing, not even death, would change that.

Leaning on the fence, Andras ran his tongue across the split Cesare had put in his lip. "I serve The Light Bringer, not the Master of Dogs." The quiet word's brought Snake and Beasts head up, while Darts face twisted. "I'm a Hound, not an Archangel, and not the First Light of Heaven. It'll take more than the words of man to make me doubt the truth of an Archangel, a being that has stood in God's presence and basked in his Glory."

Andras rested his eyes on Dart as the woman glared up at him. "You make good points, but would you face the Lord of the Morning and make those same points?" Heat rose on the woman's face as shame flooded her. "Would you stand in front of God's Herald, and tell him he's not following his father's command?" The questions hammered the woman, each word a blow driving her face down to the ground in humble apology.

Andras laid his hand on Dart's shoulder. "I know this is hard for you. But we're here at the command of our Lord. As long as we hold true to him, we're holy and pure, to stray from that light on the words of another is the path of wickedness and evil. You must temper this ... independence of thought. It does you no credit and much harm." The fatherly tone was accompanied by a slow squeeze of the woman's shoulder. "Follow the words of your Lord. Believe in the Light Bringer. Trust his God given judgment, doubt is the worm in the apple, the canker in the rose. Make your faith pure, without doubt or blemish."

Dart nodded slowly, never taking her eyes off her Pack Master. "I'm sorry, I just ... can't help myself sometimes."

"Go to the chapel, pray for guidance. I'll come for you when I feel you're ready to rejoin us." Quietly stern, Andras dominated the woman with practiced authority. With a short nod of thanks, Dart left the small group.

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