003. a fickle mistress

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chapter three;A FICKLE MISTRESS

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chapter three;

NEWS OF Scooter Grubbs death spread like wildfire around the Outer Banks. Here, everyone knows everyone. Here, names are all unique and it only takes a certain pronunciation to know who you're talking about. Here, on this isolated little island drowning in divided life, everyone had friends.

Scooter Grubbs was no exception to this rule.

The Quill family was kind. They never judged, nor did they discriminate. You needed a shirt? Pogue or Kook, Darius Quill would give you the very fabric off of his back. You needed food? Popular or an outcast, Amanda Quill would make you a nice, warm dinner without hesitation, and your payment would merely have to be a sweet smile.

Perhaps that's why Scooter and Lana Grubbs were names that Abigail knew well. Her parents didn't care about the past — they didn't care that Scooter was begging for cash at the nearest store, or that he'd sacrifice his availability to food just to get a smoke.

It didn't matter. Everyone was welcome in the Quill home, and that included Scooter Grubbs.

According to the news, Scooter died two days ago. A tragic boating accident caused by the destructive winds of Agatha, and a corpse left bleeding into the marsh as if it was his home. The news typically spread fast, but considering the Quill family didn't tune in as often as they'd have liked, they were late to the discovery.

Now, to say the Grubbs family and the Quill family were close would be to lie. They weren't close. They were on a first name, perhaps occasional invitation to a cookout type basis, but they weren't close. Not by any means.

But it didn't take closeness to be saddened by Scooter's death. Scooter Grubbs didn't have to be Amanda Quill's best friend for her to cry. It didn't take much more than just a notice of his death, and a letter of invitation to Scooter Grubbs inevitable funeral in order to make Amanda Quill upset by his loss.

Sure, James and Abby didn't know the man very well — they'd always been fonder of his wife, Lana — and perhaps their only memories of the man had been those small moments when he brought Tupperware back to their home, or his image through their window as he dined with their parents, but they still felt bad about it all.

With renewed determination, Abby wipes away the sad, singular tear sliding down her face. She stares down at the small envelope between her fingers, signed with a cute wax seal of a flower (her mother's signature, even though it was old-timey, she always preferred the original forms of communication), and grabs the bouquet of red and pink roses her mother had bought for Lana Grubbs.

Amanda, too stricken with sadness ━ she had been in bed all morning, rubbing at her temples and trying to figure out what was next ━ had sent her child out this morning with a few sweet gifts she hoped would help Lana grieve.

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