002. sticky notes & poptarts

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chapter two;

AMANDA QUILL is an amazing woman. She's top of the class when it comes to being a mother, and she's always been an excellent teacher. Her tongue drips of sweet reassurance and her tone is gentle, soft; the ideal method when it comes to getting the truth out of your adoptive daughter.

It wasn't hard to see it, really.

Amanda was a child once. She was a teen.

She was reckless, uncaring, and she was one of the best drunks around ━ because of this, she can sense the familiarity within Abigail's eyes. The dark, tired, lackluster feel to her typically shining gaze, and the foul stench on her breath. Furthermore, she's wearing John B's clothes, a boy whom she hasn't seen in forever, but even she remembers his reputation.

Big John Routledge wasn't strict. He rarely had any rules, and if he did, he merely forgot to enforce them. It slipped directly under the radar, and Amanda remembers the very day John B asked his father if he could have a sip of his Coors Light, and the man just passed it to him with a shrug.

Now, Amanda doesn't judge. She tries her hardest to be open with everyone's different techniques ━ raising a child is hard, after all! ━ but something about it still made her feel a tinge of discomfort in her stomach.

Amanda isn't sure she really can judge, either. One of her major fears when raising a child that wasn't hers and had memories of different parents had been fairness. She didn't want to treat Abby in a way that she wouldn't treat James, and vice versa. Because of this, she established a nice dynamic within the home; a dynamic that quickly led to the smooth sailing of the words mom and dad within their home.

Words that Abby had once been afraid to mutter.

Amanda was proud of herself for unlocking Abby's happy, comfortable side. She felt accomplished ━ of both her and Abby. Defiance was something Amanda hadn't ever experienced before, and she never had any thoughts in the back of her mind that suggested otherwise.

However, keeping this was difficult. Once Abby fell in love with a Pogue and practically deemed herself one (though the Quill family don't actually refer to them as either of the two clans, and their property perfectly borders on the thin line between Figure Eight and the Cut), she was sneaking out every other night.

Amanda had been upset at first. Of course she was upset. Her daughter, a girl she loved dearly, had been sneaking off and doing God knows what with some random kids and her boyfriend. Eventually, she had to remind herself that she could trust Abigail, and that the girl would never willingly put herself in danger or disobey the rules with malicious intent.

DEAR EX LOVER, pope heywardDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora