Chapter seven

Começar do início

I chuckled, knowing full well he ment it as a compliment, "thank you krel." I thought about other things I could ask, then I remembered their first day here when I walked them to the school.
"What about your parents? I'm going to safely assume the ones I met on your first day weren't your real parents?" I asked.

He perked up with a slight laugh, "Nope, they are actually robots from our home planet, mother did the same to them that she did to the ship, she changed them to look like you humans."

"That makes a lot more sense now. Their actions seemed very uhm- 1900s, almost" I recalled their strange behavior.

"Mother did say that the transduction would be 60 years out of date, is that a lot?" He cocked his head to the side.

"Definitely." I chuckled.

" seems we still have a lot to learn." He put a finger under his chin.

"Well I'll be here to help with whatever I can." I kept my gaze to the sky before slowly looking down at the ground.

"I've been wondering, and you don't have to tell me if you don't want to," I giggled. " But...what do you think of me?" I asked him nervously. I know Aja told me he thought I was pretty, but I can't help but wonder...what does he really think?

"Well..." he hesitated and his cheeks turned a darker blue, seeming to be blush. "I think you're an amazing human. You seem to know a lot about this world that we don't, and I believe that is one of the reasons why we haven't been caught yet."

"Would you say you've been caught now though?" I snickered.

He laughed, "No, I chose to reveal myself, there's a difference... What I'm trying to say is- you helped us Phoenix, and I love that you were kind enough to give us another chance when we messed up on being human. While we were at the house of math, I noticed how you look like you're lost inside your thoughts, but you're still listening to everything around you." He continued.

I began to blush now knowing that he looks at me during classes.

"You never questioned how strange or awkward we would act around other humans, you were patient when we had to cover your eyes, even if you didn't like it." He giggled to himself, "'re the most beautiful human I've seen on this mudball." He didn't even hesitate finishing his list.

I blushed profusely and let out a nervous chuckle, "how can I be the "most beautiful" when you've hardly seen a fraction of people on earth?"

"I don't know, how many humans just are on this planet?"

"At least 7 billion." I was intrigued at where he was going.

"Well, I don't have to see all 7 billion humans on this mudball to know that. You know, I heard something on a talking box once-"

"A TV?" I interrupted.

"Yes, that. But it said, "it's the inside that counts" and if anyone is that special, then it would be you." He smiled shyly but his words were firm, and he seemed so sure.

"But what if I make a mistake, like a big mistake? I don't think I'd still count." I chuckled, knowing there was some truth in my words.

"Someone very special told me that everyone makes mistakes. So no matter how big of a mistake you make, you'll still count. Besides, have you seen what Aja and I have done?!" He smiled widely and dragged me into laughter.

I sighed "Yeah you're right. Still, why do you trust me enough to tell me all this?"

"I don't know, I just have a feeling that I can. You're very sweet Phoenix, and I don't think I should have any reason not to trust you." He turned to face the sky once again.

Trollhunters: The Tale From Phoenix Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora