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It was the sixth month mark of (Y/N) still having not woken up, the clan didn't give up hope and neither did Jake. Toruka had pulled Jake to the side and told him that the village had something planned for him tonight and to bring the others with him.

The villagers who once wouldn't come out of their homes and only say hello from the safety net of their huts, were now all back out running around the village as the schools opened back up for the children; the atmosphere was back to peace.

Many people would come and pay their respects as they left flowers and prayed to Eywa for (Y/N) to be at peace wherever she might be. The villages healers never gave up on her as well, the princess was still alive and the way they explained it to the family was that her soul and mind weren't connecting and agreeing with one another what to do. They kept her alive and that is all Jake, and the others, could ask them to do.

The sky a once grey, dark hue was now a cloudless blue as the dragons had come back from their migration with new litter of babies and new stories. The war was over—the time of agony was gone and with Äoa stepping down as Olo'eyktan and passing it over to Ay'u, despite his disagreements, the clan had a new path of hope.

Ay'u visited Jake as often as he could, the two would sit and he would tell him about how (Y/N) was in love with Jake and would do anything for his three kids. He said that she was selfless and he knew that before the two even got close, they would become more than just friends.

Iwa stopped coming around for awhile, he felt guilty even though he had no reason to. He had a lot of responsibilities back home to make sure everyone was okay, but Jake sought him out and the two apologized for something neither one of them needed to. The two went alone to visit (Y/N) and Iwa broke down seeing his best friend lying there in a coma and unresponsive. It was scary to see the once calm and collective princess so out of life.

Lo'ak, Kiri and Tuk took it hard, they looked up to her as not only as a friend but as a mother figure. No matter how many times (Y/N) promised to never take Ney'tiris spot, she became their mother anyway. It was deja vu all over again for the three, watching someone who cherished them like their own blood lying in their own blood had them questioning Eywa.

When Äoa and Sänume came to visit, they were surprised that Jake had been there the whole night cleaning her wounds that reopened a bit and even giving her medicine she was supposed to have every few hours.

"Are we disturbing?" Äoa asked after he cleared his voice to get the other's attention.

Jake turned, his fingers swiping at his tears before shaking his head, standing at the same time and moving over so her parents could see their daughter. "No, I apologize. I didn't realize you would be coming."

His words had sarcasm lingering in the background of them. Sänume knew there was tension, it doesn't take a genius to tell the difference between genuine and sour. "It was sudden, between losing two children you blame yourself." Sänume spoke first, her hand resting on Jakes forearm in a silent thank you for all he had done.

That was the last time Jake really did speak with them.

Now, with everyone all settled in an unknown area that was lit up by torches, plants that were pulsing with every breath they took, birds overtop and singers running to find their places, Jake ushered them over to Ay'u who hd a spot for them.

"I'm glad you are here," Ay'u said as he hugged the four of them. "Toruka had been planning this for awhile for you all." Behind the group was one of the biggest dragons Jake had seen, he didn't remember its name but he seen it during the fight with Quaritch and that was all it took for Jake to have a lot of respect for him.

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