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The next morning, and much to everyone's disappointment that none of their spirit siblings had come, Kiri was out near the only grassy area of the village laying on her stomach, her eyes watching the grass move softly with the breeze.

Watching the different lengths of the grass move at different speeds, she hadn't noticed Fawn come over with his group of friends, all in their hands were lit torches having been on the way for a hunt. "What is she doing?" Fawn said with a strange look, his friends chuckling as they lightly pushed her with the end of their torches. "Kuri." Fawn said, purposely messing up her name.

Kiri sat up, breaking the concentration she was in to stare at the other. "I'm sorry?" She said, having no idea the boys were laughing at her and calling her name wrong.

Fawn gave the girl a look, his hands now empty as he passed the torch off to his friends. "Are you a... freak?" He said. "All you do is run off alone and stare at the grass." The future olo'eyktan spoke. Kiri moved to her feet as she rolled her eyes, having been in a good mood and now ruined.

Fawn pressed her, the group of them now surrounding her as they all laughed at her being uncomfortable. "Let me ask you something, did your brother do this?" Fawn said, his tone mocking as he didn't care that he was speaking below the line of such a touchy subject to Kiri.

Kiri stopped moving, feeling as though she was punched in gut at the mention of Neteyam. "Leave me alone, Fawn." She said, moving to walk away only to get stopped once again by the other. "I said leave me alone."

As the group began to laugh more and more, Lo'ak arrived and heard everything, having been coming to find Kiri to let her know they were going with Ay'u to hunt. "Hey!" He said loudly.

Fawn turned and Lo'ak wasted no time to send a punch to his face, the group was stunned. Never seeing someone defend themselves that way. "Don't ever talk about my brother again, bitch." Lo'ak stood over top of Fawn, not caring his little group was surrounding him now.

Fawn rose to his feet as he growled, but had a mocking look on his face. "Your mommy wouldn't be too happy to know you are like this, huh?" Fawn said before immediately attacking Lo'ak as they started to fight. Punches were thrown as well as the vulgar language, Lo'ak was holding his own well.

Kiri moved behind the group, trying to mend the situation as well as help her brother fight; picking one of the torches up, she hit one of the other boys who fell to his knees.

This made them all turn, now in a stance to attack her. Kiri wouldn't admit, she was scared of the others, the group being much bigger than she was, but she still held her own.

As Fawn went to attack, Ay'u suddenly appeared in front of Kiri as he caught Fawn right in the middle of his attack, hands placed on his chest as he pushed the other back. "Leave them alone, Fawn." He said, eyes narrowed and voice deep. Behind the group was (Y/N) checking on Lo'ak who had a pained look on his face from being jumped.

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