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(Y/N) knew this volcano by heart, she knew her whole village by heart. She knew if you stepped on a certain part of the ground you would fall, or if you walked too fast across the grass you would fall to your death; if you managed to stay alive, you'd know that the bridge going across the whole volcano could only hold one person at a time.

Her eyes were glued to Quaritch the whole time from behind, how no one noticed her would he a big mystery in itself. The volcano was shaking below, it was becoming active by all of the movement and rocks following down below; she gave it less than twenty minutes to explode, but she only needed ten to kill him.

Kiri and Tuk were both closer to the edge, if one was to kick them they would most definitely fall from how close they were, but she made sure it didn't happen. The smoke started to block off certain parts of the bridge, it would be like a shadow emerging out of nowhere and have no time to react. With her knife in her hand, she tossed it lightly and caught it so her hand was holding the blade before angling it to throw.

She remembered when she learned how to do with that Fawn, the two practicing their throws whenever they were to compete against one another. It was all just for shits and giggles, but she never thought the day she'd have to use this technique would be her saving two people she considered like her own. With a swift and smooth throw, the blade landed right on one of the sky peoples chest, immediately having him fall before Kiri looked in the direction.

By now, the smoke was already covering the top of the volcano making it hard to see without knowing where you were going. Pointing towards the edge where she knew a path was, she thanked Eywa for making Quaritch and his men careless and not doubling the security to watch the two girls. Now, it was just her. Squatting down while holding the railing of the bridge, she tried to see any feet in the smoke and plan her attack there.

She opted to go back and move across the top part of the volcano so she wouldn't fall and end up hurting herself. Once she saw the men scattered out to find the girls, that's when she started to attack.

The first human that was close to her, she swung her bow at them and knocked him off the structure, his screams echoing as he hit the rocks and tumbled down to the scorching lava at the bottom.

From a distance, she could hear more screams and yells, even gun shots as she assumed Jake had finally came to attack as well. With a huff of air, she kept walking and scooped up the gun that was dropped before holding it out. She saw Jake clean it once briefly, Lo'ak having taught her without actually holding the gun; but she remembered bits and pieces.

All (Y/N) saw was red, nothing else was really in her line of sight as she kept walking and defending herself. She wouldn't use the gun unless needed, slicing and cutting many humans who rounded her. When a figure emerged from the smoke, Ay'u put his hands out to show it was him and came to her quickly to make sure she was alright.

"Are you alright?" He asked.

"Yeah." Was all she said as she kept going, Ay'u had reached a hand out to pull her back so she could catch her breath but was too late as she was already gone. Running now to catch up with Quaritch.


Jake had Quaritch cornered, both battling and swinging their knifes to try and get a clean stab on one another. Jake was a marine first, so fighting like this wasn't hard, but Quaritch was also marine in his afterline, so this was a walk in the park, but he didn't see or hear (Y/N) literally jump out of the air with a knife in her hand.

He felt that sting in his side, she was on his back with her nails digging into his neck as the release on Jake loosened and he got away. Stumbling back and purposely falling so the weight of his body was on top her, (Y/N) felt herself release him with a 'oof' and let go. Once he felt that, the two stood up.

"Don't make the same mistake of letting Jake be alive, he is the reason your friend died." Quaritch said, his hand pulling the knife out of his side like it was nothing. (Y/N) let out a blood curling hiss, one that even made Jake flinch back before she spun her knife in her hands, stalking him as she walked in a circle to the male.

She took a step closer to Quaritch, making him step back towards the bridge. It was stupid—she knew it was, what she was going to do was life or death and she couldn't come back from this at all.

Ay'u appeared next to Jake, holding him up as he watched in horror at (Y/N) and Quaritch were now dead center in the bridge. "(Y/N)!" He said, one hand cupped around his mouth so it would echo.

She couldn't hear, her eyes tuned everything our as Quaritch kept mocking her for loosing Fawn. The two stayed put, but once Quaritch jumped a bit forward as if he waa going to attack, she quickly took off running and dodged his swing by sliding right in between his legs and jumping up behind him.

Jumping onto his back again, she bit down onto his neck before pulling back the skin before jumping off, immediately spitting it down into the fire. Her fingers pointed down below and then him, with one finger swiping across her neck in a threatening way, she turned and took off running towards the opposite side of the bridge. Her knife slicing the ropes so Quaritch would be stuck.

Ay'u heard the first snap, pushing him and Jake back as his eyes widen. "Oh no.."

Jake was confused but worried, why had she not come back yet? "What happened."

Ay'u shook his head. "She.. she is cutting the bridge. She is going to try and make it fall." He couldn't see her at all, nor see where the two were at.

Luckily (Y/N) was fast, but with her feet stumbling she did trip a bit and it caused Quaritch to catch up just as the bridge was slowly about to give out. So, she jumped to the edge right as the bridge started falling. She recalled it as slow motion, her hands gripped the edge first with a force, almost sliding off the side. She was hanging like a monkey on a branch, just waiting for it to snap.

Within the smoke, the only thing you could see on the outter side was bodies, you wouldn't be able to tell who is who. So the fear in Jakes eyes and his heart pounding as he saw only figures hanging and thrashing made him paranoid.

Once he saw the first body fall, his heart dropped as he screamed out. Watching the Na'vi fall down to the lava and the other make its way up to the edge.

Ay'u also felt the pain, the two didn't know who it was or what happened, but no one could tell and their minds automatically went that it (Y/N). The pain of losing a sibling for Ay'u and Jake another mate, the were frozen in place.

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