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"Emotional numbing is the mental and emotional process of shutting out feelings and may be experienced as deficits of emotional responses or reactivity"

The way (Y/N) could describe how she felt staring down at her brothers lifeless body would be numb. His body was cold and his eyes glossed over, no emotion was on face and the color drained from his body. She could hear Ay'u crying next to her, she did, but to her it sounded so far away; like it wasn't even close to her at all.

If someone was to come near them and attack, she couldn't process it in time from how in shock and frozen her body was. She experienced deaths all the time, many ceremonies, many funerals, but to see your own blood die in front of you makes you rethink everything you have done.

The surrounding grass that was around the three had darkened, as if the ground below them was crying for Fawn as well. The rock he leaned on was stained with blood and the sun had officially disappeared beyond the eclipse giving the world around them an eerie and unsettling atmosphere.

Rustling was heard behind them, Ay'u being the first to jump up and hover over Fawns body with an arm protectively in front of (Y/N) who was too far gone to even care. Inside she was blaming herself. Had she just forgiven him and said it was okay, would he still be alive? Would he be laying here with just a few scratches that would need minor looks and bandages?

She couldn't tell, not now, and not ever. The silent tears fell down her cheeks and dripped onto the ground below her, if it was anyone else she would be almost embarrassed to have been crying about such a person, but this was her brother.

She already lost her spirit brother and now her actual brother, she was seething with anger. She wanted to kill everyone in her way, she wanted to scalp them and feed them to the dragons, cut their queues and feed it to their families. She wanted to watch them beg, plead and ask for forgiveness, but would it even be enough to avenge Fawn?

In his final breath, he wasn't begging to be saved or to be helped, he was begging for forgiveness; not from anyone, but from her. Each time it flashed through her mind, her heart tightened and made her chest almost suffocate with such a feeling. She was completely shattered, the last time she felt such a pain was when her old lover passed. Emotions were heavy to carry alone.

She felt hands shake at her, she couldn't make out a voice and couldn't make out how many people were there, but she assumed they were safe because no one was urgently trying to get her to focus, so she stayed still, eyes glued to Fawns wound.

He had forming bruises from the beating he suffered, a giant hole from where he was shot seemed to have ran dry, tail laid out on the floor with no movement. She remembered the amount of times they would hit each other with their tail.

Once again, that same shake came to her shoulders before she blinked back any distraction from her vision, eyes glancing over to Jakes before her lip quivered out with eyes glossing over for more tears. "He.. he kept asking for forgiveness.. I didn't—" The words were caught in her throat, his arms moving to wrap around her.

Jake had managed to see them only for a quick glance getting to safety before he started to attack the sky people prior to coming to them, he wanted a clear path to get to them without distractions. He couldn't fault Lo'ak for coming with, but he didn't realize that all three of his kids got split up.

"Hey.. Hey.." Jake said first, "Don't blame yourself, you didn't know, you hadn't know this would happen." He said reassuringly, his hands on her cheeks.

Nothing he said was making her feel better, she appreciated his words, she did, but right now all she needed was the gun on his back and a knife in her hand. She nodded, moving her head out of his grasp before standing up, her fingers swiping at her tears.

Her two knifes that resembled half crescent moons were pulled out from the ground that she had stabbed it down to, grabbing the gun off of Jakes back without a second glance before she left the woods, not stopping when Jake, Lo'ak and Ay'u all called to her. "Just let her be!" Ay'u said as he placed a hand on Jakes shoulder, it wasn't unknown for the other to run off on her own when things hit the fan, but right now Ay'u needed to get Fawns body somewhere safe.

Jake looked between the two, it pained him to see another young boy laying lifeless, a gun shot wound through their body with a single tear on their cheeks. It was giving him deja vu all over again, that sick feeling in his body and a pained heart for the others.


(Y/N) was far gone from her humanity being gone and her care for anything other than the man who shot her brother, her blood.

As she walked, it was like everyone around her was dying quicker than she noticed; her attacks being so quick that it took her by surprise as well. With one of her knifes centered at a sky persons throat, she slashed it quickly before feeling the blood spray across her, licking her lips with a sadistic grin.

She became surrounded, most of them slowly backing away as they watched her lick the blood off of her fingers before tossing the humans body off to the side, the thud hitting at the feet of another. "Tell me where he is, or I'll drain the blood out of each and every one of your bodies." She said, tone having dropped.

When they brought their guns up to attack, she stood her ground with both knifes in her hands and the gun behind her back. She knew good and well she could defend herself and kill all of them, but what fun is that if you could play with your food instead.

She took a step forward, her knives up only to see the first men get shot in the head, then the second and third until all of them were dead on the ground. Turning her head, she squinted her eyes before seeing Jake up in the trees, on the watchers tower looking through his scope from his second gun he acquired, protecting her from a distance.

She nodded, taking off again until she was now in the field with rage through her body, if you could take an x-ray and scan her body and see her blood, you could see it pulsing with venom from how angry her mind was right.

Up on the mountain stood Quaritch, he was staring down at everyone with Z dawg and Lyle all looking as well, but sitting on their knees was Kiri and Tuk. With her eyes widen, she hid quickly wanting to map her path before she headed up the backway of the mountains. She was glad to still have that come device around her neck before listening in as she snuck up the volcano.

"Jake, stand down. I have your daughters, you already caused someone to die do you really want to test me again?"

It was a bad deal either way and hearing him speak so lowly of Fawn had her snuck in a harsh breath before needing to take a deep breath.

Once up at the top, she popped her head up to see Z dawg coming in her direction. Smirking, she lowered her head and hid in between two rocks before closing her eyes to hear how close she was coming. Once close, she gripped at her knife before standing up and slitting the back of her ankles.

She screamed, taken back by surprise and tumbled a bit down the side before it went quiet. (Y/N) had stabbed the knife right through her skull before continuing on.

She could see Kiri and Tuk, it wasn't hard to miss, but guessing by Jakes silence meant he was also coming as well. Standing on the platform of a bridge that connected from one side of the volcano to the other, she stood as still as possible.

She was about to dance with her food once more.

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