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(Y/N) stood next to some of her friends she had met growing up, most them having been from other clans. As the music began to get louder, the final clan had arrived, the Huyutikaya, the festivities had officially begun.

Sänume rushed to find (Y/N), pushing her towards Atyeo, the Tsahik of the Huyutikaya clan, and introduced her daughter to her son. "Vamï is a very skilled hunter." Atyeo said as she began to talk her son up. "So am I." (Y/N) said with a smile, "And a good tracker, weaver, singer, storyteller—" She stopped midway when she felt a grab on her tail from her mother, a threatening glare. "But I am sure Vamï has many talents he wouldn't mind showing me."

Atyeo and Sänume left the two alone before (Y/N) looked up at him. He was a very nice looking Na'vi, he was fit and stood at least two feet taller than her. His hair was braided down and across his chest was a giant X that looked like he was marked, badly. "So, princess." She stook head at the formality. "(Y/N)." Vamï nodded and started over.

"(Y/N), my mother says you are a very smart women. You mastered a lot of the elements that even some older Na'vis couldn't have." (Y/N) rolled her eyes with a chuckle, "Yes, I guess you could say that." She said as the two decided to walk around the grounds, greeting the others as they talked. "I'm going to cut straight to the chase, I don't really want you." Vamï said suddenly.

(Y/N) felt like her prayers were answer, "And I don't want you, but ouch?" She said as she placed a hand on her chest. "I see the way that man stares at you, over there by Tsu'tey. He hasn't taken his eyes off of you, I want to make you a deal." (Y/N) quickly glanced over at Jake before back to Vamï, hand on her hip as she motioned for the other to continue. "I don't want to be on a path set for me to be mated, I don't want to be mated at all. I like being free and doing things that don't stress someone out—understand what I mean?" She nodded and he continued. "I can tell you are nice and smart, definitely don't take anything from anyone; you and I? We definitely would make a good team, as friends. Help me pretend to our mothers we just don't get clash well together and—"

"We don't."

"—and, I'll help you figure out your situation with him." Vamï proposed to the other, she liked the idea and nodded before looping their arms together as they walked farther. "You have a deal, but I must say. Why on Pandora did you come here if you knew this would happen?" She questioned as the two passed Jake, neither one glancing at each other. "Because it was either meet you now, or meet you when our mothers set a ceremony for us to be mated; I figured you wanted to at least be aware." She thanked the other with a silent nod before she turned the opposite direction, Ay'u having called her. "I will meet up with you later, mate." She said with a tease.

As she approached Ay'u, Iwa and Fawn appeared from behind him; all three having solemn looks on their faces. "We have to talk."


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