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An hour after Jake and (Y/N) talked, the two decided to stay in their hiding place and talk more about who they were before they met one another. Jake learned that (Y/N) used to be a storyteller for their village, having told some of the most scariest stories and thus making her get replaced. (Y/N) learned that Jake used to be very bad at riding horses, he told her about the first time he ever rode one and failing completely, but he was a master in the sky.

"You seem to have mastered the mongoose!" She said proudly, "Not many get that far." Jake could only hope the heat of his cheeks wasn't becoming too noticeable.

When (Y/N) went to tell Jake another story, her ears flickered back as she looked up to the ceiling of the hut; cheering began to sound throughout the whole entire village as horns were sounding. "Come, come on!" (Y/N) immediately pulled the other out of the entrance as she her gaze up to the sky. "They are here!"

Jake followed the other with no second thought, his tail swishing behind him curiously as he looked up at what she was staring at, only to be greeted with many trees blocking his vision. "What is happening?" He said.

Dropping his gaze to look at the other Na'vis who had began to climb up the makeshift ladders that he seemed to have never noticed, the children all hanging off of some of the older Na'vis to get there faster, hunters on their mongooses' who climbed up the trees with ease had disappeared into the treelines. He caught a quick glimpse of Tuk, Kiri and Lo'ak all with Ay'u who had them on the back of a hunters Mongoose disappeared as well.

(Y/N) pulled the other over to the ladder and started to climb up, fast. "Come on, sweetheart." She said, not knowing the nickname he gave her was of an endearing one and not a friendly one, "You'll miss their arrival." And with that, (Y/N) was climbing up faster than normal leaving Jake to follow in her dust.

Jake passed on a circular plank wrapped around the trees, an older Na'vi was sitting there as he pointed to keep going. He could see across many of the trees that there was over a hundreds of them, all occupied with many other Na'vis. He assumed guardians. "Almost there." Jake nodded and kept going.

"In their endless cycle of migration, the dragons returned."

He could see the bright light of the sun getting brighter and brighter, the cheers all becoming louder and louder as he finally made it through the treelines, his eyes widening as he finally saw their spirit siblings. "They are dragons." (Y/N) said as she appeared next to him, many of the taller trees had wooden flooring on them to hold many of the na'vis up, he guessed it was for this.

The dragons all looked like ikrans, many different colors and the spikes on their backs, but their sizes definitely out raked them; even the Great Leonopteryx. As he turned to look, he couldn't even begin to count how many there were in the skies. Some had babies and others a whole family, some were smaller than the older ones and others were probably the biggest in the skies.

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