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"All I ever wanted was a single worth thing fighting for."

Jake held her close, his feet carrying him as fast as he could to Toruka; the only one who could potentially save her. She was loosing blood, not fast, but enough to have made her pale and unconscious.

"Do you see her?" Ay'u said, leaning over the edge with his eyes squinted. They had only a short window of time to find her body and recover it, or give up and retreat before the volcano erupted.

Jake was on the other side of Ay'u, right by the bridge before he fanned some smoke out of his face, coughing before he pointed to a figure trapped. Their foot was caught in between the planks to keep them from falling, but they weren't moving at all and any second they could fall.

"Toruka.." Jake breathed out, laying (Y/N) body down on the floor where he was at to see Ney'tiri. "I know you two aren't close, but please.." His eyes swelled up with tears as he looked at the woman.

With her eyes widen, she immediately sat down on her knees and overlooked her injuries. No matter what could happen, if she died, she wouldn't be able to come back alive and Jake didn't know that. "Ay'u, tell Jake about her. The truth."

Ay'u hesitated, but pulled Jake back. "She died already, if she doesn't make it through this Jake—" Even saying the last sentence pained Ay'u just as much. Jake shook his head and paced behind her, the world was spinning and nothing was making sense.

Jake never knew she had died before, he never she took that pathway and if he did he would've told her to stand down. She was so selfless and now she was dying because of his war.

"We have to get her back to Toruka!" Ay'u yelled out, watching as Jake pulled the bridge just a bit up to grab (Y/N)s unconscious body. It wasn't her that fell, it was Quaritch. Had the pain finally ended? With a knife jabbed in her side, he panicked and untangled her foot to free her before scooping her into his arms.

"What is the quickest way?"

"Where is mother." Toruka asked Ay'u with her back facing (Y/N), undoing the knots of her queue and connecting her to the ground. "Go find her, take Jake."

Jake shook his head, swiping at his tears. "I'm staying." Toruka shook her head and snapped it back, tears stained on her cheeks. "No! Go find the Tsahik." She said with a harsh tone that even made Ay'u jump back.

"She took in a lot of smoke and the knife didn't hit a bad artery, but we have to go now or else all three of us will die." Ay'u said, the three of them running down the mountain, the volcano shaking below their feet.

"This way!" Ay'u said, turning for an angle that would get them there faster, skipping stones and dodging small lava droplets that fell over top of them.

Sänume had arrived, Äoa fast on her heels as they heard what happened to both of their. Fawn already having been brought back and getting ready for his burial, but they had hope for (Y/N). Hope she would make it out alive.

"What happened." Sänume asked, her face screwed in something only a mother would wear as her heart was heavy with losing one child and on the brink of losing another. "She was fighting, she cut the bridge and took in a lot of smoke. She is bleeding a bit from the back of her head, but nothing too big. The knife here, it isn't too bad it will heal. She is unconscious from the smoke, but mom.." Toruka said, the word 'mom' coming out as painful as possible. "She is weak.."

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