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Soft kisses and shy laughters fill their hidden spot as the two landed not too long ago, taking in one another's warmth and safety, (Y/N) laid her head on Jakes chest before tracing a small pattern on his stomach; eyes staring up at the sky.

"Where did you go?" She mumbled. A chill running down her spine as she felt him drag a fingertip up and down her back. Her ear listening to his heart beat slow down in a rhythmic beat.

"Your brothers and I came up with an idea to try and trap Quaritch, but it seems he disappeared. We went out a bit farther than we wanted, decided to stay the night in the trees." Jake replied back, his hand now resting on her hip in a protective way. "I want to ask you something."

She nodded her head for the other to continue.

"When we get Quaritch, I want to be the one to kill him." She smiled against his skin before pressing a kiss against the softness of it. "You don't have to ask me, the honor is all yours."

The two sat up, keeping each other close as they looked at one another, a blush creeping on both of their faces.

"Did you really come looking for me?" Jake asked, placing a kiss onto her temple before closing his eyes as he breathed in her scent.

"Yeah, I wanted to come and talk to you, tell you something but Nothai said you left." She turned to look at Jake, brushing back some of her hair before tilting her head up just a bit.

"Well, I am here. What was it?"

Her eyes widen and momentarily coughed, taken back and not expecting Jake to want to know right now, but she took a deep breath and calmed her inner battle down, speaking to him calmly. "The reason I was so angry at you is because I was tired of running away from something good. I have been running and never slowing down because I feel as though I don't deserve to have good things."

She raised a hand as she took a shaky breath, vulnerability was something she didn't like showing.

"Every good thing in my life gets taken or ripped apart and I am scared, I'm scared Jake." She admitted. "I'm scared that I'm in this alone when I say I love you."

Her eyes were teary at this point, heart pounding as she stared at the other with a sad expression. "And I can't—won't, ask you to feel the same way, I won't force you to be in this with me; I just.. I love you, Jake Sully. I love you so much."

Jake bit his lower lip and smiled to himself, his smile growing each time she said those three little words. "Say it again."

Wiping her eyes with a confused look—Jake swore he saw an annoyed expression flash through her eyes quickly, she gave him a look to repeat himself. "Say it again, those three words. Say it again."

She covered her face after smacking his chest before shaking her head. "No, you are embarrassing me at this point." She said with a huff, arms now crossed as she looked the other way.

Jake leaned in with a chuckle, brushing back her white hair over her shoulder before leaving a small kiss at the tip of her shoulder bone. "You aren't in this alone, I'm right here with you too. You got me and I got you, I have always got you."

She let out a sigh of relief before turning to look at him, the words tumbling out of her mouth before she could stop to think. "Would you ever want to mate again."

Jake was taken back by the sudden question, for awhile he never intended to want to find someone else or even think about the possibility of mating with someone else; but that all changed when he met (Y/N). Still, the idea was hard on him and he did just see Ney'tiri after a year of never seeing or hearing her again.

She told him to move on, told him that it is alright, but the idea of mating was hard to think about it. He would officially be losing the last bit of Ney'tiri he had left.

His silence was enough of an answer for (Y/N) as she placed a hand on his forearm. "I'm not asking you to mate with me if you don't want to, or are not ready. If you never want to mate again, I understand. I'll never force you to do that." She said.

He cursed her mentally for being so cautious and generous.

"It's not that I don't want to, I just never thought I would find someone else to fulfill that feeling I thought I would never feel again. To hear those words and someone means it." Jake held onto the others hand before he looked into her eyes, really seeing her again.

"You just don't want to lose that part of her, I get it." She smiled with a hand gently caressing his cheek before laying her forehead against his. "You don't have to be scared anymore, we will go at your own pace."

Jake pressed a kiss against her lips, the last words Ney'tiri said to him repeating over and over in his head to let go and to move on, to find happiness again.

"No, I want this. You make me happy, it's what you and I do. We protect one another."

She leaned back with a tilt of her head, hesitatingly reaching behind her to grip at her tail as Jake did the same. Her eyes looked between Jakes and him, than back to her own.

She felt her breathing slow down as the two brought their queues closer to one another, she gave him a look as did he, the two had a soft smile on their faces as they connected their tsaheylu to one another before their pupils dilated.

(Y/N) felt her heart beat fast, the sensation wasn't anything she felt before. Not when you connected to a dragon moose or a mongoose, not when you bonded with a dragon or sacrificing someone; this was a stronger bond, it had her almost gasping for air.

The two made eye contact and let out a shy laugh, her arms threw themselves around Jakes' as the toppled over to the floor. Their lips finding one another as they shared a genuine, loving kiss.

This was their first kiss.

They've kissed before, shared intimate moments with one another, but this was their first true kiss. The first time she really knew his mouth.

(Y/N) thought to herself what a tragedy, it was outrageous really, they should've been kissing like this the very first time they laid eyes on each other. The first time they laid together in a more mature way.

They were made for kissing, her and Jake.

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