No one knows what to do-3rd person

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Niall and Harry were struck dumb, standing in the hallway. Both stuck in their own thoughts. Aly walked out and scowled at them. Both frowned. Niall didn't take much of it but Harry took it to heart. When she turned her back he stumbled back a few feet. As if someone had just stabbed him. He fell back against the wall. He clutched his heart. He felt as if his heart was beating out of his chest. Niall looked back at him. Niall's face twisted in confusion. Tears falling from Harry's eyes. Harry fell to the ground. All the hate he has gotten coming back to him. All the reasons he's tried to commit flooded back into his brain. Harry scratched at his wrists. Just then Niall sees Harry's scars and feels bad for all that he has said. Eleanor, Louis and Zayn came walking up. All of them with concerned faces.

"What's wrong with Harry?" Eleanor asked. Fear filled Louis to the top. Liam slowly stepped out of his room. Harry looked up at all of them. Him seeing laughing figures but in reality they all were concerned. Then everything went black for Harry. At first no one knew he blacked out until his eyes rolled back into his head and he fell limply to the floor. Louis and Liam both fell down next to Harry. Eleanor and Zayn raced off to find medics. Niall was playing everything he's ever said to Harry and regretting it. He punched him! Niall was about to cry and ask forgiveness when he realized Harry wasn't awake. Liam's head lay on Harry's chest.

"He's not breathing!" Liam cried. Louis checked as well. Both breaking out in tears.

But I love you! Please wake up Harry! I can't live without you! Liam cried desperately to himself. His tears falling on Harry's hands. Those pale hands.

Hazza! You can't leave me! Just wake up and stay with me! I need you! I'm falling in love with you! Louis thought, tears free falling and making his vision blurry.

Just then Zayn, Eleanor and two paramedics came running down the hallway.

"Help! He isn't breathing!" Louis yelled. Tears still falling.

The medics picked Harry up and disappeared down the hall. Louis stood up to go after him but Eleanor held him down.

"No! Louis! Let him go!" Eleanor said. Louis stood up, or tried to anyway. He fell backwards into Niall.

"Louis! Louis listen to me! He is going to be fine." Niall cooed in Louis ear.

"He wasn't breathing Ni! He-he-he- he died!" No one noticed but Liam had vanished to his room.

Liam was sitting on his bed, crying into his hands. Blankets and sheets everywhere. Lamp on the ground. Desk broken, pieces all over the floor. Pictures gone, clothes everywhere. His eyes were puffy and red. He was screaming and crying. No one paid much attention. Screams and cries were common in an insane asylum. Just not usually on the first floor. "I fell in love with him! I fell in love with him! I fell in love with him!" Liam collapsed to the floor. He has never loved, nor has he lost someone in his own arms. And that person he fell in love with just had to be the one to die in his arms. Harry. He admitted it! He loved Harry Styles.

Louis sat in the hallway, in Niall's arms. Whispering random stuff that Niall couldn't understand but was so obvious and clear to Louis. Eleanor had left. She had went home, seeing Louis in love with someone other then her.

"I loved him- Harry Styles, stole my heart. He loved a girl, I'm the stupid gay that fell in love with the straight boy with emerald eyes and chocolate curls. I loved him!" Louis broke down even more. "I fell in love and he died! He died in my arms!" Louis cried. His voice to horse to scream.

"Where did Liam go?" Zayn's voice asked. Everyone went dead silent. That's when they heard it.

"I fell in love with him! I fell in love with him! I fell in love with him!" Louis almost started to cry again. He wasn't the only one who loved Harry. And Harry must have fallen in love with Liam. Louis kept replaying the I love you's Liam and Harry had said to each other in his head. Zayn walked over to Liam's room and opened the door. They all saw Liam on his knees crying into his hands. Similar to Louis's current position. "God please! I'll do anything! Just bring him back to me!" Liam cried. He still hadn't noticed the three pairs of eyes on him. Two adults and a girl a little older then Harry came down the hall.

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