Welcome to your future-Harry

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"Harry lets go." My mum said, I could see the tears in her eyes but she didn't let them flow...... She would never do that, not in front of me.

"I'm coming, Mum." I said and slowly walked down the stairs, my suitcase in hand and tears in my eyes. I didn't want to leave anyone. I didn't want to leave home..... I had been going to therapy. I was fine now. I didn't want to go to an Insane Asylum! My therapist NEVER told me that if I tried to kill myself more then twice I would be sent to an Insane Asylum! No one ever informs me. I felt my blood boiling but I couldn't have another breakdown today, I already had one when my mum told me to pack.

"Oh, Harry....." My mum wiped my cheeks, more tears fought there way out of my eyes. I felt my lip quiver in spite of myself. I was about to break down...... Before I could occupy my hands my hand flew out and I punched a wall. It felt to good. Soon I was punching, kicking, screaming, crying and shaking. My dad picked me up and sat me down on our couch.

"HARRY! Harry! Harry." His voice slowed and shushed as I came back to reality. "Harry, please no more fits." He said, I felt my blood boil again. I can't control it! Obviously! If I could I wouldn't do it in front of you or anyone! But I kept my screams silent and to myself.

As we sat in the car no one said anything, afraid I'd get mad and have yet another mental breakdown. But why not. Best to have a mental breakdown going to a mental institution, right?


"Harry Styles?" A girl, about my age asked. I nodded. She smiled. I turned around one last time but my parents were already gone. I stared at my feet, becoming interested in the floor. "Follow me." She said, I silently followed her.

I watched the other patients behind my long lashes. One ravine haired boy was laying on a couch, headphones in, watching everyone else. If this hadn't been an Insane Asylum I wouldn't have thought anything was wrong with him. But maybe he was just a visitor? Maybe.

"Zayn! Zayn come here please." The girl said in front of me. The ravine haired boy stood up and skipped over to us.

"Yes Eleanor?" He asked with a polite voice.

"Zayn this is Harry Styles. Harry this is Zayn Malik." Zayn smiled and tackled me in a hug. I patted his back and slowly stepped out of his grasp. "Of course Harry this isn't a normal Asylum. We are an Asylum for unstable teens. You're safe here." She smiled.

"Isn't that what the word 'Asylum' means? Safe haven or something like that?" I asked. She just smiled and Zayn started laughing like it was the funniest joke in the world.

"Anyway, follow me." She walked and Zayn and I followed in her wake. She reached another desk and after a few minutes of typing she turned to us and smile. "Zayn would you please show Harry to his room." She started to walk off but Zayn stopped her.

"Who is he rooming with?" Zayn asked, his eyes hidden behind his lashes.

"Liam Payne." She walked off. Zayn got all smiley. I wonder how he could smile? Doesn't the voices put him down like me?

"YAY!!!!! Well not yay for you but yay for me!" I looked at him curiously. "Liam Payne is afraid of everything, he doesn't talk, he doesn't leave his room, I don't even know what he looks like. He hides under his blankets all day. I mean the nut-job is afraid on his own shadow." Zayn said. I gave a half-hearted smile in his direction. "You're a suicide guy aren't you." Zayn stated more then asked. I snapped my head up at him, my eyes wide.

"How'd you know?" I asked, did he see my wrists, did he see the rope burn on my neck?

"You're on the first floor. Where all the suicides' stay. The people don't want them to jump and die so they keep them on the first floor." Zayn said and started walking off.

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