Why'd he have to meet him first-Louis

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Why'd I have to be in my room when he got here? Why couldn't he have met me first? I live alone. Why didn't Eleanor assign him to live with me and be my roommate? Why did Liam always get everything? He never leaves his room, he stays hidden under his blanket but no! He gets Harry! He has muscles! He has amazing looks! He isn't pale like you'd expect. He is perfect and he does nothing at all. I do everything and get absolutely nothing!

"LOUIS!" Niall yelled. His hands shaking my shoulder.

"What?" I asked. Both Zayn and Niall had worried looks on their faces. I looked up and around. Just seconds ago we were in Harry's room. Now we are in my room. How? "How'd we get here?" I asked Zayn.

"We dragged you here. You were standing in the hallway and you couldn't hear. You were extremely put in your world." Zayn said.

"Oh. I'm sorry. I was just thinking." I stated. I sat down on my bed and curled up under my sheets. Both Niall and Zayn left to their own room. Leaving me alone, to my thoughts, staring at the empty bed.


I woke up to a loud nock on my door. I looked over at my clock. It was 5:30 in the morning! I don't wake up for another 3 hours! I stomped over to the door. About ready to punch someone's face in. But all my anger drained away when I saw the curly head of chocolate curls and emerald eyes staring at me. He smile at me when I opened the door.  swear it took everything in me not to jump up and kiss the boy right then and there.

"I'm sorry to wake you up-" Harry started.

"No, no it's fine." I said, cutting him off. I saw him smile and I heard the most beautiful laugh I've ever heard.

"Anyways. I never got to formally meet you...." He trailed off. He nervously looked up at me and his lashes perfectly hid his emeralds that I almost lost it.


"So you wanted to meet me at 5 in the morning?" I asked with a laugh.

"Better to meet the worst before the best." Harry smiled. I smiled in return. I opened the door wider. He stepped in and turned to face me. All the rooms were the exact same so it would no sense to say 'make yourself at home' when there is nothing different and it would hurt to hear the word 'home.' He sat on the end of my bed and I sat opposite of him. "So as you know my name is Harry."

"And I am Louis." I returned. He smiled again. God damn his smile was infectious. "So what did you want to know?" I asked.

"What are you in for?" He asked politely. I wasn't the most comfortable telling people. No one besides me and Eleanor know.

"Um......" He seemed to understand my uneasiness because he asked a different question.

"How old are you?"

"Eighteen." I smiled at how old I was.

"Do you have a crush on anybody?" He asked, though he wasn't looking me in the eyes anymore.

"Uh.... yeah." I blushed nervously. What if he asked if it was him? I can't lie very well.

"Do they live here?" He asked, his face was staring at his lap by now. I winder why he didn't ask if my crush was a male or not? Maybe he thinks I'm straight.

"Yeah..." I trailed, where was he going with this?

"Male or female?" He was fiddling with his fingers.

"Male...." I said slowly. He tensed. He glanced at my alarm clock. It was six a.m. now. He stood up abruptly.

"I have to go, I don't want Liam to worry. See you around Louis." Before I could even say bye he was out the door. I shouldn't have told him I was crushing on a male! You stupid idiot! I bet he's homophobic! You worthless fag that somehow thinks he deserves to live! I fell back on my bed. Not wanting to think or see Harry again. But the other half of me was craving to see those chocolate brown curls and emerald eyes. Those perfectly shinning teeth, his bright pink, full, lips. Was craving physical contact with the angle that happens to live within 20 feet of my room. He lives right down the hall.

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