I'm getting to close-Liam

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Harry got up and opened the door. I saw his face go from curious  to excited beyond his wildest imaginations. "Casey!" He smiled. "Oh my gosh you guys came." Harry smiled at me and jumped out the door soon after he pulled in 5 people. Four attractive males and an attractive female. Harry hugged every single one of them. He was so happy. The girl looked at me and I felt my body start to shake. My nerves skyrocketing.

"Hi, my name is Sam. What's your name?" She asked. She took a step closer to me. I scooted further away from her. I felt the tears prickle the backs of my eyes. I looked over at Harry. He looked over and his eyes widened. He practically ran to me. He stood in between Sam and I. Sam and the others gave him funny looks. I stood up and hid behind him. Since he was taller then me it was an easy fit.

"His name is Liam." Harry said.

"Harry! Liam is capable of talking." A male said.

"That's the thing. He isn't. He has Panophobia or as known as Pantophobia." Harry said. His hand reaching behind his back. I took it gratefully.

"What is that?"

"Wow, okay. It's the phobia of everything and everyone."

"Then why isn't he afraid of you?" A male asked.

"It's a long story."

"Who are they?" I whispered into his ear. The look of 'duh' crossed his face.

"I'm sorry. This is Sam." He said pointing to the girl, she had blond hair, green eyes, and a perfect tan. "Dave." The guy with brown hair and bright green eyes, similar to Harry's he was as tall as me. "Casey." Guy with blond hair and blue eyes. Tall but not as tall as Harry. "Luke." Tall, brown hair, brown eyes. "And Hunter." Hunter was tall. Same height as Dave and he had dark brown hair, brown eyes and a nice smile. "Everyone this is Liam." Harry smiled fondly. "Liam Payne."

"Hopefully you don't have a dream of becoming a doctor." Sam joked. I had heard that about a million times but it was still funny.

"You was to come out?" Harry whispered to me. I hesitantly nodded. Harry took a step to the side and I was fully exposed. I was honestly waiting for the hate and judgment. I looked up and they were all smiling.

"Wow...." Dave said. His face was smiling.

"What?" Harry asked concerned.

"He is hansom." Hunter finished. That's all it took. I dove right behind Harry.

"Really Hunter? Keep it in your pants." Harry said, a little annoyed.

"Hey, we were all thinking it! Even you mister emerald eyes. I'm just the one who said it." Hunter joked. Everyone was laughing. Harry's cheeks burned a crimson color. Did they all think I was good-looking? I thought I was ugly. "No really. Liam like, I need a hose to put out that fire." I felt my own cheeks burning.

"Oh, and before you go hitting on Liam remember who you came with." Dave said, smiling.

"Oh babe! I could never forget you." Then they started to kiss. I wrapped my arms around Harry's waist. I was extremely uncomfortable with PDA.  

"And it looks like Liam has is own Hazza." Luke smiled. Both Harry and I jumped apart. I ran to the closet and locked myself in it. "I was kidding. We all know who Harry is interested in." Luke nudged Sam. I looked though the cracks as Sam and Harry both blushed.

"We broke up." Sam said.

"But you both have feelings for each other. Just try, see if you still have that spark." Casey finally spoke. Luke and Casey kissed and held each other close.

Insanely in love with you(Marcel&Harry/ Liam&Harry)Where stories live. Discover now