T W E N T Y ~ T W O

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Peep the ss for the picture ^ aka Stan tbz. We love tbz. Anyways..

"YOU DID WHAT??" Changbin practically screamed as the older had gave him some news. It was only them, Hyunjin was at work.

Minho rolled his eyes, placing an empty plate in the sink, "relax it's not like it's the first time-"

"I know, but you're corrupting my jiji," changbin pouted, he always saw Jisung as someone he needed to protect, but he was obviously failing; and again against Minho of all people.

"Minho.. on a serious note," Changbin said losing the playful tone, "you're not gonna hurt him right?"

"No, I never started all this with those intentions. And I don't want to see him hurt."

"So you have no feelings for him? And him none for you?" Changbin asked.



"He shouldn't. I'm a shitty person and I gave him no reason to-"

"That doesn't mean he won't, Jisung sees the good in all people, and if he falls, he'll fall hard. So please just.. don't get to far into something you can't handle." Binnie warned. He didn't want to see either of the people he cared for so much- get hurt.

"If I notice anything weird I'll stop the whole thing, he already knows and agreed to that." Minho said trying to reassure him.

He sighed taking  a sip of his water, "you better hope jinnie doesn't find out, i don't know why you guys thought it would be a good idea to hide it anyways."

"We weren't really hiding it, you guys just think I'm joking all the time." The older shrugged. Which was true, there's been subtle and not so subtle hints. It's not his fault they all chose not to believe it.

"Yeah yeah, whatever."

"Enough about my business.. what about YOU." Minho said, leaning over the counter with interest.

"Uh- what about me?" Changbin asked, a confused look all over his face.

"The wedding- Are you excited? Are you ready?" Minho asked impatiently, it was clear that he was excited. Maybe he didn't believe in love for himself, but that didn't mean he couldn't see it in other people.

"I'm beyond ready," changbin sighed, flopping his body down over the counter, "I just want the day to be here already," he complained.

Minho laughed, "yeah I'm sure you do, never thought you'd be married first," he said.

Changbin almost laughed so hard he choked. "That was a joke right??"

"Duh." Minho replied.

before Changbin could scold the other for giving him attitude, the door swung open abruptly, startling them both.

"MINHO," the tall boy yelled, and then slowly looked up to look the older in his eyes. "you're dead."

"Babe?" Changbin questioned unsure of why his fiancé was home so early.

"what did you say or do to Jisung??" The younger asked, total mom mode on.

"N-nothing, why? Did he say I said something?" Minho asked, equally as concerned.

"He called me crying, but he won't tell me what happened. Only that he can't stand your face."

Changbin sighed and looked at Minho, "think back hard on what you said to him the last time you hung out."

"I'm telling you it was fine. We just.. we-" he stuttered his face starting to change color quickly.

Hyunjin caught on quick and squinted his eyes shut, "jesus, after that Minho? Stay with me here." He said snapping his fingers in attempt to bring Minho back to reality.

"Right.. uh- he was stressed out over a bunch of stuff he had to do so then I- He washed up, and I put him too bed."

"Oh no..." Changbin said looking to Hyunjin. Hyunjin sighed and slumped down to sit on the floor.

"What?" Minho asked looking back and forth.

"You're showing Jisung that you care Minho. If you wanted nothing with Jisung romantically you have to make that clear, NOT just by your words, but your actions too." Hyunjin explained.

"So- are you saying that.. that Hannie.."

"Caught bigger feelings?" Hyunjin cut him off, "probably, don't worry about it though. He'll get over you.. as long as you never look his direction again." He said exaggerating a tad bit.

"I can't just leave him alone I-"

"Look, if you show him any attention he'll hold onto hope for something more for the two of you. And if you don't want that, you gotta leave him be. So really, it's up to you. Whatever your decision is," he said standing up, "it will have consequences."

With that the taller walked out of the room, and into his own. He knew he was being harsh, but before anyone else.. (besides binnie bby ofc🥹- Hyunjin) Jisung has to be taken care of first.

Infatuation ||Minsung❥||Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum