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"Cigarettes mouse." Minho said waving an empty container at him, his face only lit up by the lights from the gas station.

"You've got to be kidding me, I need to get home." Jisung said letting his head hit the steering wheel.

Minho got out and walked over to his side of the car and opened his door. "Well, we're already here. Let's go pipsqueak." He reached over across his tiny waist, unbuckled his seat belt, and pulled his arm.


"Shit, What do you mean you're all out? How do you even run out of cigarettes?" Minho questioned the small guy behind the register, who looked kind of scared. Minho was leaned down across the table that separated them and was glaring into his soul.

"Maybe it's a sign for you to quit." Jisung said beginning to walk out the door, "get your ass in the car or I'm leaving you here."

Minho slowly backed away still holding eye contact with the poor kid and stormed over to Jisung's car.

"There's no need to throw a tantrum, now tell me where you live." Jisung said once they were both in the car.

"Back down that way," he said pointing in the direction they came from. Jisung just gave it a couple seconds before speaking, "you've got to be fucking kidding me."

"Wow mouse, you know.. you have such a potty mouth for being a 1st grade teacher." He said shaking his head disapprovingly.

Jisung just rolled his eyes and ignored him. In fact, he continued to do so until they were at his apartment.

The same apartment complex Jisung stayed at.

"You live here too? How have I never seen you before?" Jisung said putting the car in park.

Minho shrugged getting out of the car, "I'm never here."

"Why not?"

"Such a curious mouse." Minho said under his breathe before getting out and walking to the building.

"You're welcome for the ride." Jisung said to no one but himself, and then grabbed his keys making his way to his own apartment.

To make things even more interesting it turned out they were neighbors.

Jisung just watched as he saw just his back as Minho walked into his apartment, closing the door behind him. Jisung did the same.

The boy couldn't help but keep thinking about how he's never seen Minho around. Jisung was in and out a lot but never once ran into him. He wondered if any of his friends have seen him around and even debated on asking them.

He quickly snapped out of it and began to get ready for bed. While he was washing his face, he saw his phone light up with a FaceTime call.

It was Channie.

He slid the answer button over with the knuckle of his pinkie to avoid getting the screen all messy.

"Han Jisung!" Chan scolded as soon as he popped up on the screen.

"Why is everyone yelling at me over the phone? What."

"Because you never answered my text, you straight up ignored me. And you haven't told me ANYTHING about your date." He said pouting.

"I'm sorry, and there's not much to tell, I haven't even met the guy myself yet." Jisung said wiping his face dry.

"Ahh the works of mama Han," Chan said knowingly.

Jisung just sighed, shaking his head, "what's new with you? What happened to that min kid?" As soon as 'min' left his own lips. Minho was the only person that fell on Jisungs his mind.

He wasn't sure why everything reminded him of that guy, but He was starting to get annoyed with it.

Chan started to rock back and fourth shyly. He was sitting crisscross on his bed, giggling. "Minnie? Ahh it's good~ we're talking a lot more, and might go on another date soon."

"Oooo~ Channiieee," Jisung teased, "I still need to meet him so I can approve though." He reminded him.

"Yeah yeah, well I'm gonna let you get that rest for your date Hannie." Chan said smiling.

They said their goodbyes and Jisung finally made his way to bed. He tossed and turned until he eventually drifted off to sleep.


"I guess Minho must have walked home," Changbin shrugged turning back to his beloved fiancé who was snuggled up in a blanket on their couch.

"Probably," Hyunjin replied, avoiding the conversation. "Come back~ I'm colddd."

Hyunjin didn't like talking about Minho really, he never did. He didn't hate the guy, he just found him kind of irritating in a way. Maybe because he was always around, stealing his 'binnie bin' away from him.

"I'm coming I'm coming," Changbin said plopping down beside him on the couch and holding his arms open for the tall boy to snuggle into.

"Was your dinner with Hannie relaxing?" Bin asked in a cute yet concerned way. Hyunjin looked up at him and wrapped his arms around tighter.

"Yes~ for the last time," Hyunjin rolled his eyes playfully, "it was fun, and it got my mind of some things. What did you guys do?"

"That's good," changbin said leaning down and placing a gentle kiss on the brown haired boys forehead. "Just the usual," he continued, "he seemed interested in Hannie."

After Changbin saw the face that his Hyunjin was making, he decided to further explain.

"Like.. not in a romantic way, he just overall seemed interested."

Hyunjin sighed closing his eyes. He didn't want to bring up again to his fiancé how he wasn't very fond of Minho. Changbin was already fully aware.

Hyunjin also knew that he really didn't have a reason to dislike Minho. He never did anything to wrong him, and he's never done anything wrong to Changbin. So why was hyunjin so annoyed?

Was it jealousy?

Hyunjin just shook away the thought and snuggled even closer to Binnie, if that was possible.

Unfortunately, his phone began to ring. Causing him to have to removing himself from his big comfy arms.

It was the school calling. Instantly Hyunjin started to feel anxious, why would they be calling this late at night?

"Hello?" He answered reluctantly.

"Mr. Hwang?"

It was the schools Secretary, Mrs. Kim Jisoo. Her voice sounded distraught which quickly caught Hyunjins attention.

He sat up in his seat and spoke up again, "Mrs. Kim? What's wrong?"

Finally she spoke up, and Hyunjin could've sworn he physically felt is heart drop.

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