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Jisung blinked his eyes at the blonde mullet boy. His eyes were large and innocent and his face was scattered with light brown freckles.

"Hi," he smiled warmly, "I'm Lee Felix." Jisung blinked his eyes at him, there's was no doubt that he was beautiful, but why did he seem so familiar?

"Han Jisung," He replied, watching the blondes eyes light up, "it's nice to-"

"Its been a while," Felix said out of excitement.

'Been a while?' Jisung did know him from somewhere. The boy seemed so excited and sweet Han didn't want to crush his little spirit. "Yeah.." He trailed off.

"You two know each other?" His mother beamed at them. Jisung turned to her speechless, He was sure they did, but he couldn't recall from where. It was driving him crazy, So he decided to let Felix answer.

"Of course! We were preschool buddies," he brightly smiled.

Jisung then knew why he didn't remember him. It was literally 18 years ago. He wasn't even sure how Felix remembered.

He decided to just laugh it off and play it cool. "This is great! You too should go have fun catching up," Jisungs mother chimes in pushing them out the door.

'Catch up on what?' Jisung thought to himself, 'how our imaginary friends are doing?'

When the took their last shove out the door, it was quickly shut behind them. Jisung sighed shaking his head and turned to the boy, he finally took time to really look him over.

He wore blue jeans, paired with a plain white Gucci crew neck that was over a collard shirt, though Jisung would hardly call it plain since it was Gucci. He also wore NIKE shoes and a small necklace.

He was dressed really nice, Jisung thought he fit it well

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

He was dressed really nice, Jisung thought he fit it well.

The freckled boy smiled sweetly, "you don't really remember me do you?" He questioned taking a step down into their driveway.

"Not at all," Jisung laughed, "how do you even remember me?"

The boy shrugged, and continued to walk backwards keeping eye contact with Jisung. "I didn't remember your face really, just your name." He smiled.

Jisung already couldn't help but feel a little better about it this date, he could tell he wouldn't hate this night out. Felix was really sweet, even if Jisung didn't want to admit it at first.


It wasn't hard to talk to Felix, In fact it was really easy. He was a really great listener, but he also told great stories when the time was appropriate.

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