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"Are you and your ex close?" Jisung was caught off guard by the sudden question. He turned his head, only for a second, to catch a glimpse of the boy in
his passenger seat.

"U-uhm," he stuttered, "we're not close at all actually.." he said quietly. Felix finally turned to him with a confused expression. "How did you even know about Sunwoo?" Jisung questioned.

Felix was even more confused now, "who's Sunwoo?" Jisung took another glance at him to see if he was joking or not, "His name is Kim Sunwoo. My ex. The one you're talking about? We're definitely not close. He was a dick. Walking red flag."

Felix blinked his eyes quickly, "oh.. well then I mean the previous one."

"I only have one other ex, Seo Woobin."

"No no, I'm talking about Minhee or Minho or whatever. The guy at Hyunjins?"

Jisung just about choked at the mention of the, all too familiar, boys name. Did Felix just refer to Minho as his ex?! He was honestly speechless.

"Minho is far from my ex, I hardly know the guy. I mean- he's my neighbor I guess."

Felix thought back to himself about the conversation he had with this Minho guy. He had clearly recalled him saying he was the boys ex. Was Jisung lying to him? He didn't seem like it.

"He said you were, and that he still had feelings for you.."

"WHAT?!" The boy practically yelled, startling the other. "Sorry.. anyways, Minho is always messing with me and making stuff up around people. He's just like that. I don't like him like that, and I couldn't date him."

Felix took in his words and tried to clear his mind, he was, in the end, happy that Minho wasn't his ex. He could have tolerated Hyunjin or Changbin being his ex, but not Minho. Felix was under the impression that Minho was a inconsiderate prick. Which I suppose wasn't far off from the vibe Minho decided to give off 99% of the time.

The rest of the ride was pretty chill, they bonded more, and Jisung listened intently as Felix shared with him some of his childhood stories. They laughed and joked up until they reached the blondes house where Jisung ended up being invited inside.

"Hi Jisung," Felix's mother beamed brightly. She was just as kind as her son, and besides the hair color difference, you could easily see the resemblance between the two. "Hello Mrs. Lee," Jisung greeted with a warm smile of his own, he was getting better at those the longer he was around Felix. I guess you could say it was a pretty good thing they met.


Finally, Jisung was home. He was incredibly, and undeniably, socially burnt out. While he wanted nothing more than to walk into his apartment and flop down on his bed out of exhaustion, he had a bone to pick with a certain someone.

'It's a good thing this asshole doesn't sleep.'  He thought to himself rolling his eyes, and proceeded to march himself over to Minho's door.

His small fist repeatedly slammed against the cool metal door, only pausing for a beat before continuing again.

The door opened rather harshly, and Jisung was met with an annoyed Minho. Although when he saw who it was, his face softened. "Mousie~ what did I do to earn myself a visit hmm?"

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