"Hey!" Susan called, turning to Sam, Caroline and Aliana. "Sorry about that."

"No problem," Sam and Aliana told her.

"Well, um, congratulations, you could be some of our final guests."

"Well. Sounds vaguely ominous," Dean commented, grabbing his daughter's hand.

"No, I'm sorry, I mean we're closing at the end of the month." She appraised them. "Well, let me guess. You guys are here antiquing?"

Dean shared a 'why not?' look with Sam, Caroline and Aliana. "How'd you know?"

"Oh, you just look the type."

Dean looked vaguely uncomfortable and Francesca looked amused.

"So, uh, king-sized bed?"

"What? No, uh, no, we're, we're... two singles," Sam corrected. "And a couch. We're just brothers and friends. The little girl is my niece."

"Oh. Oh, I'm so sorry."

"What'd you mean that we look the type?" Dean wondered.

Susan had trouble articulating an answer.

"You know, speaking of antiques, you have a really, really interesting urn on the front porch. Where did you get that?" Sam asked.

"Oh, I have no idea, it's been there forever," Susan answered, handing Dean a key. "Here you go, Mr. Mahagov."

"Thanks," Dean said.

Susan dinged the bell. "You'll be staying in room 237. Sherwin, could you show these gentlemen and lady to their rooms?"

As she spoke, Dean turned to see an old, balding man in a black blazer shuffling up behind him.

"Let me guess. Antiquers?" Sherwin said.

Sherwin dragged Dean's clunking duffel bag behind him, up the steps, as the three follow.

Dean offered, "I could give you a hand with that bag."

"I got it," Sherwin told him.


"So the hotel's closing up, huh?" Sam questioned.

"Yep. Miss Susan tried to make a go of it, but the guests just don't come like they used to. Still, it's a damn shame."

"Oh yeah?"

"It may not look it anymore, but this place was a palace. Two different vice-presidents laid their heads on our pillows. My parents worked here, I practically grew up here. Gonna miss it. Here's your room."

He slipped the key in the lock and opened the door, handing the key to Sam as he brushed past. Dean turned to shut the door and Sherwin was standing there, hand extended expectantly.

"You're not gonna... cheap out on me, are you, boy?"

Dean shrugged and looked annoyed as he pulled out his wallet.

Charlotte skipped inside and bellyflopped onto a bed.


Sam, Caroline and Aliana were sitting, sifting through papers, and Dean was pacing. He chuckled as he approached what appeared to be an antique wedding dress displayed on a wall like a ghost. Charlotte ran up and went to check it out.

"What the—" Dean began.

"What?" Sam and Aliana asked.

"That's normal." He gestured to the dress. "Why the hell would anyone stay here? I'm amazed they kept in business this long."

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