Chapter 21

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Taking Gwyn staking at his rink had been one of his better ideas. They had a good time together, Gwyn got to try something new, and Az had the chance to share something he loved with her. Gwyn trying to seduce him on the ice, well, that had been a bonus. The whole drive home, all Az could think about was the way she had shimmied against him. He swore she did bratty things like that just to see if she could get him hard. And fuck, if she didn't succeed every time.

Azriel had let Gwyn sit on his lap while they drove the zamboni around the rink, getting the ice as smooth as glass before the peewee game. He was glad to see that he hadn't lost his touch. Gwyn, meanwhile, was excited to have a chance to take the wheel. She grinned the entire time; looking happier than a kid an a candy shop.

After they were done, and had driven it back into the barn, he had pressed her up against the side of the zamboni with every intention of kissing her senseless. But Coach C must have had freaking radar or something, because he came looking for them. Well, more specifically, he came looking for Az to see if he wanted to stay and help coach the peewee team for old times' sake. He thought about begging off, but Gwyn told him that she didn't mind staying a little while longer, and that it sounded fun. Clearly, she had never watched a peewee game in her life. It was more chaos than anything else. But at least the kids seemed to be having a good time. And whenever he looked up to find her in the wooden bleachers, she was smiling.

They held hands in the car on the way home, Gwyn tracing circles on the back of his hand with her thumb, even as she pretended to have her focus out the window. Azriel had every intention of whisking her straight up to his bedroom and extracting a little payback for her little challenge on the ice, but Cassian had heard them open the door and called them into the kitchen instead. Az gave Gwyn a playful tap on the ass, a little reminder that he hadn't forgotten her teasing. But that hadn't seemed to deter her at all. On the contrary, it seemed to encourage her to tease him even more, though she waited until after dinner to put her plan into action.

"Alright, which one of you is cleaning up?" Cassian asked when they had finished eating. "I cooked, so I shouldn't have to wash the dishes. And don't say Gwyn either, cause that's just sexist."

"How progressive of you brother. They really should give you a medal or something." Cassian flipped Rhys off.

"Az can do it," Gwyn offered. "I'll help him." She stood from the table, taking her empty plate with her. As she crossed behind his chair, she brushed against him even though there was clearly enough room for her to pass.

He cleared the rest of the table as she filled the sink. Then he took up the position next to her, ready to dry the dishes she would wash and rinse. And while they worked, Gwyn continued to take advantage of every opportunity to touch him, to innocently brush against him. He tried not to let on just how much her little game was affecting him. But that was becoming more and more difficult. Part of him wanted to throw the dish towel on the ground, haul her over his shoulder, and run her upstairs to his room.

Gwyn made quick and efficient work of the dishes. Azriel put everything away as she wiped down the counters and stove top. Then he came up behind her, boxing her in against the countertop between his arms. He pressed against her, letting her feel what all her teasing had done to him. Gwyn muffled a moan, pressing her lips tightly together.

"I've wanted you for hours," he confessed, brushing her hair to the side so he could run his nose along her neck. A shiver ran up her spine. "You're lucky I'm a very patient man. But you have me at my limit, baby."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"No? You're telling me that you have no idea what's got me so fucking turned on right now that I'm aching for you? And that if I slipped my finger into your panties, I wouldn't find you soaked for me?"

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