Chapter 10

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Monday morning brought with it a new reality. If the Gwyn of that current Monday could sit down with the Gwyn of the previous one and tell her exactly what had transpired in the last seven days, she felt confident that past Gwyn would have laughed her head off. She would have laughed in the shower, on the entire walk across campus; her hysterics sure to draw the attention of everyone within earshot. Past Gwyn probably would have kept laughing right up until the moment that present day Azriel dropped into the seat beside them. Then she probably would have broken off mid-laugh, swallowed hard, and stared at him unblinkingly in undisguised shock.

Which was exactly what present day Gwyn was doing. Just the last two, though; not the first. Nope, no hysterical laughing for her; just shock as Azriel sat down next to her like he owned the chair. No one had even sat next to her in Professor Merrill's class. Ever.

"Morning, Gwyn." Azriel smiled and placed a to-go cup of coffee in front of her. Like it was something he did every day. "I hope you don't mind, but I memorized your order after our little coffee date the other day."

She stared at the cup. Then, cautiously, she pried the lid off, almost as if she was expecting it to be one of those gag cans of peanuts where the fake snake comes popping out. But no surprises lay in store for her. Unless, of course she considered coffee in the perfect shade of milky brown thanks to the just the right amount of cream to be a surprise. And apparently, she did, because her jaw dropped involuntarily.

Az leaned in, angling his lips just behind her ear. To the rest of the room, it probably looked like he was kissing her cheek. "Try not to look so shocked. Girlfriend stuff, remember?"

He pulled back and grinned at her. Actually, it was more smirk than grin; one side of his mouth curved up in a way that was undeniably sexy. Dimples, move aside. Smirks were where it was at.

But dimples were supposed to be the goal. She wanted dimples. Smirks were a distraction from the goal. Smirks should not make her stomach do somersaults. Az should not make her stomach do somersaults, or make her heart race for that matter.

"Thanks," she said, hoping that her voice didn't squeak too badly.

"Any time, Gwyn. Couldn't have my girl under-caffeinated first thing on Monday morning. Especially before Professor Merrill's class."

Gwyn took a sip of coffee to cover her nerves. As she did, she kept up a careful litany of reminders in her mind. Not real. Not mine. Don't forget, it's only a bargain.

By the time she put her coffee down on the little writing desk attached to her chair, Gwyn felt composed again. The lecture hall door opened, drawing her attention, and in walked Tarquin. His steps slowed when his gaze landed on her. Or more properly, on Azriel and her. Azriel gave him one of those half-wave, half-salute gestures in greeting. Tarquin nodded in response and found his regular seat.

And just in time too, because Professor Merrill entered through the door on the opposite side. She started addressing the class the moment her foot touched the floor of the lecture hall. Gwyn held her coffee in one hand and picked up her pen with the other, poised to begin taking notes. She had just scribbled down her first entry when Azriel leaned over and stage whispered to her.

"Hey, you got a pen?"

Her eyes snapped up, but not to his. They checked the front of the room to make sure Professor Merrill hadn't heard. No one ever, ever, spoke during the lecture portion of the class. Professor Merrill's temper was legendary, spoken about only in hushed tones. And Gwyn never wanted to be on the receiving end of her anger. And while thankfully, Azriel's not-so-quiet whisper had not attracted her attention, it had drawn the notice of the other students nearby.

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