Chapter 19

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Dinner that night turned into a celebration. Gwyn called Nesta to share the good news and Cassian insisted that she join them at the townhouse as well. There was definitely an interesting dynamic at play there. She wasn't sure what was going on between them. Nesta was a little cold, but polite. Gwyn had asked her about it, but she hadn't wanted to share. But tonight, things were much more relaxed between them. Maybe Gwyn's good news had given them some safe common ground.

Cassian had made Gwyn sit at the head of the table in a chair he had decorated with balloons and streamers that he had found in the hall closet. And after dinner, Rhys had asked her to sing for them. A request Cassian echoed, saying it was unfair that only Azriel got to listen to her practice. When the celebration began to wind down, Cassian offered to drive Nesta back to the dorm. Nesta silently checked with Gwyn, using her eyes to ask if she was comfortable staying, or if she wanted to leave too. Gwyn answered with a near imperceptible shake of her head and then leaned into Azriel's side. She was right where she wanted to be.

"I can't wait for the Winter Solstice Showcase now," he told her. "I'm going to make sure the whole team comes out to support my girl."

"Really, Az? The whole team?"

He hummed his agreement. "You know how they say if you feel nervous, you should picture the audience in their underwear? Well, I figure since you've seen the team in their birthday suits it shouldn't be too hard for you to imagine how they would look in the tighty-whites."

"Unbelievable." She pinched the bridge of her nose, feigning a headache.

"It was a bold move," Azriel continued, pleased with his joke. "Just don't let the other performer's catch on or the team will have to hire a bouncer for the locker room." Gwyn rolled her eyes. "I'm serious! I think you traumatized poor little Lucien."

"'Little Lucien?'"

"Damn, maybe you did get a better look at him than the boys thought."

"I should have left with Nesta when I had the chance," Gwyn grumbled.

"We both know that wouldn't have happened," he told her. "Cassian would have gotten you half-way home and you would have told him to bring you back."

"Yeah? Why's that?"

"You can't stay away." Azriel said it simply and with no trace of ego; like he was stating the obvious. "Just like I can't stay away from you."

She leaned over and kissed him, Azriel moving as well to meet her in the middle. There was something about this kiss, this moment. Gwyn knew that it was special. She wondered if Azriel could feel it too. He was certainly kissing her like he could. It was slow and tender, but it spoke of pent up passion aching to be released.

When they eventually - and rather reluctantly on Gwyn's part - broke the kiss, they paused for a beat to look directly into the other's eyes. Azriel's honey-filled eyes seemed darker than usual, molten gold mixing with the hazel tones. There was an understanding there, but also a question. And Gwyn knew that if she didn't want what he was offering, if she wasn't ready for it, he wouldn't say anything. He wouldn't try to change her mind or pressure her into something that wasn't right for her. It was clear what he was offering, but he was making it her decision; looking to her for permission.

"Yes." A simple answer for perhaps the most complex decision she had never made in her life.

Azriel stood first, sliding his chair back from the table. Then he offered his hand to Gwyn. His fingers were warm around hers; they felt sure, strong, confident. She hoped that hers were not trembling. And even if they were, it would have been from expectation, not fear. Because she wasn't afraid. She trusted Azriel. She wanted this, wanted him. And that knowledge seemed to set her body vibrating with anticipation.

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