Chapter 12

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Hermione sits in her room on the floor with Alpha's wolf head in her lap. Her fingers strum through the soft fur calming her and arranging her emotions in order. Her heart pleads to the gods for an escape or rescue. Alpha has turned for the worse being so far from her mate. Her eyes are numb and no strength seems to arise. She is slowly turning more wolf than a human. Without her mate, she cannot continue being strong.

"Will they ever find us?" Hermione sheds another tear on the streak she never wiped away on her cheek.

"All we can do is hope," Alpha says looking up into the dark starry sky.

The door opens and Ron walks in with a dog bowl and a tray of human food. Alpha no longer tenses upon seeing the psycho. Hermione on the other hand tenses still not wanting to be anywhere near the boy she thought was her friend. He really went down into a gutter.

"I brought you food. Pet, you are eating over here." Alpha gets up and goes over to the wall curling by the silver bowl of kibble. Her head jerks away from his vile hand. Ron does not do anything but nod. "Here my love, something to make your day."

"Why don't you let us go, Ron? What happened to you?" Hermione pleads not wanting to fully accept her old friend turned into a monster.

"My eyes were opened Hermione like yours should. Harry and that mutt played us. They were corrupted and dark. She is even the dark wizard's daughter."

Hermione looks away not wanting to hear anymore. He keeps saying the same thing like a broken record and it is turning annoying. Bang! The room shook and the three of them look around the alert.

"What was that?" Alpha stands ready to protect Hermione. She protects the girl for Draco, not for the git.

"Stay here," Ron grunts getting up. Bang! The place shook harder forcing Ron to fall on his hands and knees. He goes over to the window and Hermione and Alpha catch the surprise. Hope fills their hearts. Ron snarls and punches the glass going outside. Alpha run and looks.

"Hermione you might want to see this." Hermione walks over and her hands fly to her mouth with tears in her eyes. Harry, Draco, Tom, and a whole army of wizards stand before them. Even the centaurs and giants and even house elves. The Weasley family that are still loyal to them and every death eater that switched side glare at Ron.

"Draco!" Harry and Draco's eyes lift toward them and relief and happiness shine. Alpha's tail wags beside Hermione's leg. 

"What is this? How did you find me?" Ron snarls standing between the house and the army.

"Nothing is hidden from the master of death Ronald."

"Oh really, you aren't the only one with an army." Hissing and thumping on the roof lower Hermione to hug Alpha. Without her wand, she is much more vulnerable to getting hurt.

A tall man in a black trench coat lands beside Ron. Hermione and Alpha cannot see the man's face. 

"You are the master of death?" the man says. Harry walks forward and nods. Hermione and Alpha hold their breath with hearts beating hard in their chests. They watch the man turn to look at Ron. "You never said we are to face the master of death."

"What does it matter? He is the enemy. Kill him." Alpha's ear flickers and clogs in her mind's spine. Leaning on the frame of the broken window, she looks along the walls. Vampires. 

"Hey dude," the young vampire beside her window clutching with one hand looks at her. "Mind breaking this collar off me?"

"Who are you?"

"I am Alpha the master of death's mate." the vampire reaches over and crushes the collar of her neck. "Thank you. Hermione, get on my back."

"What are we doing?" Hermione eyes the wolf as she gets on her back.

Wolf Protector and Peverell mate (Harry Potter Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now