Chapter 4

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"So that is it? It is done?" Draco asks staring at the vial bubbling with the potion he and Hermione brewed. The witch shakes it and nods placing it down on the table between them.

"Yep." Draco looks Hermione up and down. Really looking at her without pride blinding him. She has her curly hair tied back in a loose bun, her wand keeping the hair from unraveling. Her uniform sleeves are rolled up to her elbows and from the light, her skin is flawless. Draco never paid attention to detail before about who he hangs out with but right now, he can't help but admire how beautiful Granger is. She really turned from an ugly duckling to a swan. A powerful and intelligent swan. "Draco, you alright? why are you staring at me?"

"You are really beautiful. Did you know that?" His compliment catches her off guard. He never complimented her before and nobody has said she is beautiful before. Tucking a loose strand behind her ear, she looks down blushing.

"I did not know till now. Thanks." Draco as well is handsome. He has gotten taller and his features turned sharper. Very attractive. He stands and walks around the table to stand before her. She has to lean her head back to look at him. His 5'9 hovers over her 5'6 height.

"You deserve so much better than that git. To be seen as who you are. A bright and intelligent witch with a love of books and an amazing personality." Hermione licks her lips feeling her heart flutter as Draco talks some more. Revealing everything about her, even some things she did not notice before.

Draco leans in and she doesn't pull away. She doesn't want to. The time they spent together, and the effort they put into the potion revealed their houses don't defy them. they may be separated by a house with some qualities but everyone has more than just that. 

"Hermione..." She parts her lips feeling her mind somewhat at peace with what is happening. He is not the enemy and is not going to harm her. "...please, stop me."

"Kiss me," Hermione asks throwing caution in the wind and just letting the moment happen. When soft lips touch hers, her breath is taken away. Her mind flies to cloud nine and her heart explodes with passion. Draco Malfoy is kissing her. Her once-upon-a-time enemy is now a friend and possibly a lover. If things turn for the best, she cares not. She will think about that another day, right now, she is letting the moment last.

Wrapping her arms around his neck, she deepens the kiss and Draco lets her. His hands place on her waist and pull her flush against him. Needing to breathe, they part panting. Opening their eyes, their chest rises up and down. Hearts swirl with love and the electricity doesn't dissipate between them.

"I...I love you. I don't deserve you but that is how I feel. I care about you Hermione Granger and yet I don't deserve to even have this amazing moment." Rolling her eyes, she weaves her fingers in his hair.

"Just kiss me Malfoy." He does as she asked. Whether it is a dream or an illusion, he doesn't care. He is doing anything to have this moment last. 

His grip tightens as she moans when he slips his tongue into her mouth. She pulls the strings to his heart and he is her willing puppet. She deserves so much better than him. She is truly amazing.

"I don't deserve you." He mumbles against her skin as he kisses down her neck, tasting everything about her. A fire is not being distinguished anytime soon. "Please stop me. Any further and you won't be a virgin any longer. Please push me away."

Leaning her head back and looking at the ceiling, her thoughts are focused on the expert lips against her skin. Her heart yearns for more and when he speaks those words, she decides she is ready. She might regret it or may not but right now, she is being in love.

"Kiss me, Draco." she reclaims his lips and silences his negative words. Muddling his saddening and depressing thoughts. It is just the two in that room. No interruptions, they hope.

"Hermione." He groans against her lips, walking forward and they stop at a desk. He pulls away to look into her eyes and asks a final time. It is either a rejection or an amazing moment with an intelligent woman. "I ask you a final time. Look me in the eyes and tell me, do you want this? There is no going back or stopping me if we continue. Please, think clearly. Do you really want to do it with me?"

Hermione slowly comes down from her high and looks into those grey-silver eyes. The eyes of a boy she has come to see are forced into being someone he is not. Abused by his family, daily has to wear a mask and remain cold even when he wants to be warm-hearted. She sees now he never meant all those words. He never wanted to insult her. He just wants to be free like Harry. She has seen how Draco hugged her when she was sad the night Ron nearly raped her. Seen he kept a good distance and didn't do anything to show he wants to hurt her. Seen she already loved him when they first worked on the potion.

"Take me Draco. I want to and you do deserve me." With those final words, Draco smiles and captures her lips with his. a new fire lights up and the more touch placed on each other, the many kisses planted on each other's skin, fortifies a new bond. A strong bond of love and passion. 

Draco took his time and moved slowly. He makes sure to memorize every inch and treasure every curve and spot. Listening to her moans and gasp is the most amazing music he ever heard. Every warm caress even as he thrusts into her on the table. Pure beauty is beneath him and he gives her everything she needs and wants it. He pulls out and releases on the floor. He may have taken her virginity but he will not impregnate her without consent. He cares too much for this angel to do that.

"I love you, Hermione." He whispers to her panting and kissing her a final time on her cheek.

"I love you too Draco."


"Your hormones are running love, what has got...that is gross." chuckling can be heard from the creature watching the show as her mate joins her side looking in the mirror in their home.

"You wouldn't be saying that if it were us on that desk alone and with the hope that their future is going to be filled with freedom." Purrs rumble in her throat as his hand pets her fur. Her tail wags when he scratches the perfect spot behind her right ear.

"C'mon, let us go somewhere to calm you down." the creature shifts and gleaming dark eyes stare into those red eyes.

"Catch me first." Taking the challenge he smirks and chases after the wolf shifter. His mate and his protector. when he finally catches her, he did not let her go until the next morning. Even after that, he didn't want it to end. but they have their priorities to deal with. fun time can happen another time.

Wolf Protector and Peverell mate (Harry Potter Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora