Chapter 8

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"I can't believe it is happening! I am not ready! this is crazy!" 

"Hermione, can you stop pacing and breathe? Geez, we are going to get married not give birth to a baby!" Alpha and Hermione, both gorgeous brides stand in a white room in Hogwarts ready to walk down the aisle.

"But what if something were to happen? What if I faint? what if I am not good at sex tonight?" Alpha barks out laughing at the last statement. Hermione's parents are kinda strict with sex after marriage so Hermione is pure to this day. 

"Hermione, you will be fine. It isn't just you nervous. You wouldn't believe the panic attack Malfoy had last night. Neville told me he was just as nervous as you are. You will be fine and besides, if you don't want to have sex, I am sure Draco will understand." Alpha grips her friend's shoulders to keep the frantic nervous bride from pacing any longer and giving her a headache.


"Shh. Everything will be fine. Draco's parents love you, he loves you and you love him. Just have faith and love." Hermione takes a deep breath in and calms down.

"What about you? Harry must be sad his parents aren't here."

"Actually they are." Hermione's eyes widen and narrow down in confusion.


"you will see. now, let us go." the girls grab their bouquet of red and white roses.

"Ready?" Tom stands on the left door and Hermione's father stands on the right.

"We are ready." Alpha and Tom fixed their relationship as father and daughter during the last year of planning for this wedding. Tom can finally love with a small death magic from Harry being master of death.

"You look amazing." 

"Thanks, dad!" Alpha link her arm and the two brides and their fathers walk down the great hall. All four houses are lined along the walls. the old death eaters stand on the left with the Slytherins and Ravenclaws.

The order, Gryffindors, and Hufflepuffs line the right side of the hall. the ghosts float near the window and where the families of the finances are two ghosts of James Potter and Lily Evans Potter. Harry got death to make them appear for this day. Harry was so happy along with Sirius and Remus standing as best men and alive step-parent to Harry.

Harry stands on the left with Neville beside him and Luna with Belatrix as maid of honor. Draco stands on the right with Blaise the dark-skinned male Draco befriended when Hermione and him dated. the brides make it to the altar and the fathers give their daughters away. 

"Dearly beloved," Slughorn is representing as pastor for the ceremony. Minerva and ghost Lily convinced him to be the pastor. "We are gathered here today to celebrate the matrimony of Harry James Potter and alpha Moonlight Riddle along with Draco Lucius Malfoy and Hermione Granger. Due to this being a double wedding, I shall begin with Harry Potter. Please repeat after me,"

Harry turns to face Alpha's covered face. He smiles and feels his heart beat out of his chest at how beautiful his bride is. She always looks good in white even in her wolf form. 

"I, Harry James Potter,"

"I, Harry James Potter,"

"Take you, Alpha Moonlight Riddle,"

"Take you, Alpha Moonlight Riddle,"

"To have and to hold,"

"to have and to hold,"

"In sickness and in health,"

"In sickness and in health,"

"Forever and always,"

"Forever and always,"

"As my wife."

"As my wife." Slughorn turns to alpha.

"Alpha, please repeat after me. I, alpha Moonlight Riddle,"

"I, Alpha Moonlight Riddle, take you, Harry James Potter, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, forever and always as my husband." many chuckles as Slughorn didn't get a turn to repeat everything.

"Do any say nay?" Silence fills the hall sending relief to the couple.

"Now, Draco Lucius Malfoy, repeat after me..." Draco and Hermione say their vows staring at each other deep in their hearts and souls. "Any say nay?"

"I object!" Gasp flies and eyes turn to the slamming doors of the great hall. Ronald Weasley stands barely even recognizable with bags under his eyes, a black suit on, and his wand drawn with a glare at his face. "Hermione does not deserve that git. He once was a death eater and he always will be. Including that bitch mutt."

 "Ronald Weasley,"

"Oh shut up woman!" More gasps fly when Ron swears at his mother. The poor woman faints.

"Ron, what do you think you are doing?" Hermione asks finding it shocking and unbelievable he would do this.

"Taking you back. You are mine, Hermione. That git just put you in a spell. You are all under the illusion these death eaters and slimy snakes are good but they aren't."

"Ron that is enough. We made peace why can't you do the same?" Harry calls to the tripping male. how did he end up like this?

"Oh shut up git. You are supposed to be dead and I am here to make sure life goes back to the way it was. you are supposed to be my friend but no, this mutt had to fuck you so you change your mind." 

"Ronald! that is enough. Why do you keep ruining my life? Just stop. I never liked you and never will. Leave me alone!" Hermione screams at him finding him so damn irritating.

"I forgive you, Hermione. I understand you need my help to save you. I will darling, for you." Hermione gawks at Ronald like he became some deformed creature.

"Ronald Weasley, leave this instant." Minerva stands pointing at the door.

"Go fuck Albus bitch!" More gasps fly around the hall. What has become of Ronald Weasley?

"You want to get Hermione so bad, Weasley? so be it but you aren't taking her so easily." Draco stands in front of his wife and points his wand at Ronald.

"Draco," Alpha walks to Hermione but Ron shoots a blasting spell at the alter before her dress. She jumps back with Harry tugging her back.

"Get away you bitch. I am not going to let you touch what is mine!" Hermione's eyes fill with tears of fear. Ronald has finally lost his mind.

"She is not nor ever be yours, Weasley. Hermione is mine because I care for her and love her. You want her, come and get her." Draco shoots a spell challenging the insane boy.

"Ha! You are no match for me snake! You all will see I am right." Ron disappears from his spot and appears behind Hermione pointing his wand at her throat.

"No!" Ron grins maniacally and disappears.

"Draco!" Hermione screams as she disappears. Harry and Draco shoot a spell but it only hits the walls. 

"No!" Harry couldn't move any faster when Alpha disappears as well. 

"No! Alpha!" Draco and Harry can only stare at the spot their brides were just standing. The castle begins to shake and everyone looks at Harry. But then their eyes look at Draco. he is trembling and sparks are flying off his form. his magic is swirling around him and a roar sweeps over everyone.

"No!" Harry's eyes turn demonic black with a promise he will get his bride back.

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