Chapter 11

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In the neck of the woods stands two figures. A big buff man with a cloak hides his features with his companion that is shorter and leaner. He does not have a cloak showing off his red-orange hair.

"Got them?" A gruff voice speaks.

"Yep, they are obedient for now but it will change if we don't start moving with getting rid of those snakes and traitorous half-blood."

"The half-blood cannot get killed nor his mate. Harry is a Peverell meaning he is the master of death. Even if he were to be obliterated, he shall return constantly. No, finish the task that was given to you. Bite your woman and turn her into a vampire so you may have her forever. Riddle is mine."

"What did our spy say?"

"He got caught."

"Damn, why must they all be useless!"

"Relax, what's done is done. We focus on breaking the girls and then dealing with the males. Our spy did all he could. He was a simple tool to nudge a spot in the door. Now the crack is there, we can go in." 

"That traitor must have altered time to make everyone lose their minds. Who knows what he has done when he turned into the master of death."

"So what is the plan now?"

"As you said, deal with the girls and then we finish the job with Riddle and those snakes." The buff man grunts before shedding his cloak and shifting into his massive wolf. Howling in the night, he runs off to his den.

The ginger-haired male glare at the forest and walks off leaving the cloak where it is. Nobody is smart enough to go into the forest to find him. Apparating to meet with some other allies, he thinks about his love Hermione. Imagining a future with them and having three kids.


"Lucius!" "Dad!" Tom and Draco cannot believe it! 

"But...I thought...why?" Draco says his mind whirling with so many thoughts in his head. Why would his own father be involved again with the dark side? He thought he was happy being free from the dark.

"I tried son to forgive and forget and try and move on but Weasley is right for once. That mudblood does not belong in our family. We are purebloods, not mongrels." Harry hasn't said a thing and the grim expression on his face makes it harder to read what he is thinking. He does not stop Draco from punching his father.

"Where is that weasel? Where is Hermione?" Draco hisses at his own betrayed father.

"I simply was the spy. I do not know where that slut is." Draco growls and pulls his fist back ready to punch the daylights out of his father, too much pain is filling his heart and his mind is giving him an outlet through violence at his own flesh and blood. 

"Stop." Heads turn to Harry gripping Draco's fist. The interruption is a relief for many who did not want to see  Draco break apart so easily. "I can get us an answer."

"You won't be able to enter my mind. I am the best at Occulemcy." Harry looks down at Lucius. Even he was fooled for a second that the older Malfoy changed into the light but like always darkness can corrupt when there is a great bargain to be had.

"Try me." Green eyes look into those silver eyes of the spy. Eye contact is key in entering into someone's mind and the simple glance gives Harry all the access he needs to dive right in. Memories of his younger years fly in his mind, joining Riddle to gain fame, having a son to carry out the legacy, marrying for lineage and not for love, meeting with Ron and discussing the deal where if Lucius helps Ron, his fate won't end in death but in fortune. Ron clearly is bluffing but Lucius is stupid enough to believe him. Lucius has helped Ron fix the shrieking shack for the girls. Created a dungeon to hold Alpha and Lucius even buys some dark materials to gain Alpha under Ron's control. In the end, Harry's green eyes turned red as blood and he pulls out.

"Harry, what did you see?" Tom asks knowing how painful it is when the master of death enters someone's closed mind. A painful shriek enters your ears and your vision is clouded in black for a few minutes after you have made eye contact with the boy. Harry's power is wild and strong but is under a closed fist to not get too untamable.

"The girls are in the shrieking shack at Hogwarts. It is smart that we never even thought of it. Five points to Weasley." Tom nods, he knows the shrieking shack but he never entered it finding it ridiculous.

"So we go there and get them." Draco lets his father drop face-first on the floor. Not caring if a nose broke or gums bleed, he deserves so much more for what he has done but Hermione wouldn't want Draco to turn as bad as his own father.

"Fenrir has been helping Ron so we need to be extra careful with the werewolf." They nod and head to the door but Harry pauses. He turns around and looks down at the man. Snapping his fingers, ropes specially made from Dementor's robes bind Lucius to the ground. A rope is over his lips and eyes, around his hands and ankles, and crossing over his body keeping him in a certain position where his body will turn numb.

"What did you bind him with?" Draco asks as Harry joins his side next to Tom in the hallway.

"Dementor shadow rope. Made from the cloak of the dementors which has the same effect of freezing the person on the spot and enabling them of moving. Removing their emotions and driving them mad." Tom is impressed with his son-in-law. He never would have thought of using that but Harry is full of surprises when he is now master of death. Nobody really knows death's full power and now only Harry has the ability and knowledge to know. A small pang of jealousy hit him but he waves it off with feelings of pride. His daughter is going to marry a powerful wizard and he could not be happier.

"So who else is going to join us at the shack?" Tom asks knowing the three of them aren't a full match against the Weasley and wolf alpha.

"An army."

Wolf Protector and Peverell mate (Harry Potter Fanfic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ