Afterwards: part two

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"I can't be seen," I said to Taroumaru before I went behind the counter. I heard footsteps, and then Ayato's voice.

"Taroumaru. May I have a room? Please do bring the usual tea."

Thoma was with him. This is exactly like volume 6 of 'the time I accidentally discovered my master was gay'. Naturally, I followed them, making sure to conceal my presence.

"Are you sure about this, my lord?" Thoma asked, slight concern apparant in his voice.

"Yes. I'm planning to tell Sora soon."

A gay affair? That's exciting - I mean not. Focus, Sora. This isn't the play of your novel.

"How do you think she'd respond?"

"I don't know. It might be hard for her to expect."

Expect that Thomato bloomed? Damn it, why did I fall in love with him when this was obvious? The chapter title can be 'the gay tragedy'.

Wait no. This can't actually be happening.

I rushed out before I could get caught, and went straight to Ayaka's room. "Aya-chan?"

"Yes?" The reply came from the closet and I walked in to find her struggling to pick an outfit.

"Tell me what you know of what your brother's been up to."

"Hm? What do you mean, Sora?"

"I- I don't know anymore. He's being distant, we haven't gone out in months, I don't even see him if it isn't for work and he won't talk to me about us.."

Ayaka pulled me in a hug and patted my back. "Calm down and tell me, okay? Then we'll see what we can do."

"Okay." I let her lead me to the bed where we both sat.

"I think Ayato's feelings have changed."

"Do you really think so?"

"Yes. I don't want to lose him, but I can't do anything about his feelings."

"I think, before you go on jumping into any conclusions, you need to talk to Nii-sama," Ayaka said. "How about this: he'll be there near Amakane island to meet a merchant today. You can meet him if you make it there by nightfall. Then you can have a long talk, and find out what's wrong. Okay?"

"Okay," I nodded. "thank you, Aya-chan."

"That's what friends are for. Now go. There isn't much time."

The sun had almost sunk to the horizon by the time I made it there, and there wasn't a soul in sight. For a moment I wondered if Ayaka had gotten the name of the place wrong, but decided to search anyway.

The island must've been prepared for a festival, because decor was hung all over. There were small lamps lining a path up a little hill, and lights hung around the trees, making them look like a group of fireflies in the night sky. The cherry blossoms were in full bloom, some of the petals falling and being carried by the breeze before they were scattered across the path.

As I stood on the pathway, I wondered why I hadn't been here before. This would have been even better with Ayato. Even if we didn't talk; to let the silence fill the space together.

After this, will I ever get to do that?

Reluctance had me rooted to the ground even as I saw Ayato move up the pathway in a distance. Surely, he would know I was behind him. He didn't stop. He didn't turn around.

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