twenty seven: colour of love

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"Yeah, yeah
His love was like driving a new Maserati down a dead end street"

"Heeseung you better fasten your pace!" Valentine, an exicted girl, jumped with enthusiasm as she was influenced by her surroundings.

The freshness within the atmopshere and strong essence of nature was enough to boost her energy level to its maximum, even when it was already at its max.

However, she couldn't help but notice something weird about this day.

Out of all the hang outs she would do with Heeseung, this one was an unsettling case.

Perhaps it was due to her being used to his attentive nature thus, as he occupies himself on his phone once in a while, she wonders if she was boring him.

Hoping it was all just in her head, she maintained her usual self and decided to enjoy the moment.

She loved every aspect about thr flower field, garden, and even normal grass. Everything just felt so natural and so ... sincere.

"Heeseung! This one looks like the one we grew at school!" She pointed at the red amarylis like a little girl.

It was hard not to smile.

"It does, sweetheart." Heeseung chuckled before having to catch up with Valentine who had already treked away to the next flower bed.

Although this day was just like any other, there was something he was hiding.

Popular and confident Heeseung was hiding something from Valentine and was making himself nervous.

It was confirmed. They both knew this day was unusual yet both accepted the wackiness and moved on.

"Would you like me to take a photo for you two?" A kind lady approached the two friends with a bright smile. With nk hesitation, they both accepted her offer and gratefully posed.

"You two got to stand closer together." The lady focused on the phone. "Come on, dont be shy. Just act natural."

Upon hearing her feedback, Valentine was confused. To act more natural? This was their natural state.

However, Heeseung on the other hand had other plans. He smoothly snaked his arm around her waist and rested his chin on the top of her head. Valentine would be lying if she didnt feel her stomach do a thing.

"Much better! You two are such a lovely couple."

"Couple?" Valentine whispered out loud whilst trying to maintain a smile.

"Couple of best friends." Heeseung released his arm before clearing his throat and approaching the lady to retrieve his phone back.

Couple of best friends?
Valentine could not believe her ears.

Never had she ever heard Heeseung sound so serious when talkingabout their relationship. She suddenly missed his flirtatious nature because the great expectations was always going to be better than the bitter truth.

They were friends after all.

Close friends on a good day.

Valentine shouldn't feel so cut about it.

For the rest of the day, Valentine couldn't help but count the amount of time he had distracted himself with his phone.

Maybe he was texting someone more interesting.

A girl even.

The sun was now setting and they were walking across the river that was oddly quiet.

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