three: they foreshadowed

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"Loving him is like trying to change your mind"

Even with not many people she could genuinely call as friends, she was popular.

Her popularity was too well-known as someone who had only transferred a few months ago.

At first it was overwhelming, but then it was comforting.

She liked it.

Being loved.
Being admired.

Perhaps it was the make-up style she used that accentuated her features. With her defined eyes, sharp nose, and full lips, maybe she did look a little intimidating. However, people would still muster the courage to talk to her, throwing away their fear.

As she joined her usual group of friends, she overheard a rather familiar name.

No doubt that even with just his name, her world would be so influenced.

As if she was a magnet being pulled towards him.

But then again, what were the chances. The last time she's seen him was in middle school, in the city she's left behind.

There was no way it was going to be about him.

"Wow, and so our genius is finally coming back from his exchange course." Sujin, her friend spoke.

"What's he like?" Valentine curiously asked.

" some ways similiar you." Jaekook commented.

"Oh my goodness. I see it. Like you're like him...but not him." Another friend added.

As confuses as Valentine could be, she only smiled.

"Appearance wise? He's the most handsome boy in this school no doubt. He's flawless. Tall, smart, rich, funny, kind, and somewhat a you?" Sujin whispered the last line to Valentine only.

"He also has a fanbase like you." Hujun laughed.

"I cant wait until you two meet each other. What if the worlds collide?" Kaerin joked.

Oh, little did they know.

♡ still sick :(

- [luna]

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