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"Soo-Hyung...What are you staring at?" Jongin asked confused, seeing Kyungsoo frowning and looking far away. All the staffs were waiting for the sunset for the shot.

"Our Managers..." Kyungsoo said as he folded his arms and leaned against the wall.

"Our managers?" Jongin asked looking at the managers who were speaking with the director. "Why?"

"They've been acting weird..." Kyungsoo said turning towards the younger. Thinking for a while, Jongin also had the same thought.

"Now you say it...They are not talking again just as before. Do you think they fought again?" Jongin asked worriedly. Kyungsoo sighed shaking his head. "Well, they always fight...But I guess this time its sort of a big mess...And here I thought they were getting along well." Kyungsoo said pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Don't worry Soo, I'm sure they'll get back to their bickering selves in no time." Jongin smiled trying to cheer Kyungsoo.

"I really hope so...Chanyeol has also been too off-minded lately. He started to space a lot, missed directions while driving, and even got our drinks wrong." Kyungsoo said a little exasperated.

Jongin sort of related to Kyungsoo. It's been about 3 days since Wendy's Birthday. But after Baekhyun returned, he's been quite odd. Kai thought maybe his family meeting didn't go well.

Jongin didn't pry much into Baekhyun's family matters since he knew his relationship with his family is not that great.

It was pretty obvious when Baekhyun practically hid his whole identity. But now seeing both the managers, Jongin feels like something more happened that day.

Did they somehow meet each other that day...?

Eyy how could there be such a coincidence...

"D.O-ssi! Kai-ssi! We are ready to take the next scene." The assistant called grabbing the attention of the idols. Shaking his head Jongin headed toward the source of the voice.

Both of them said in a chorus 'Yes' heading towards the assistant.

"And Hyung, About today's scene-" Before Jongin could speak a familiar voice interrupted them.

"Ah, Jongin Oppa! Kyungsoo oppa! Here you guys are!" Moon Gayoung, the lead actress called them out excited.

"Hey, Gayoung-ah! It's been a while." Jongin said smiling. "Hey, Gayoung-ah..." Kyungsoo too greeted softly.

"Kyungsoo- yah! Can you come over a bit?" Kyungsoo turned back to Chanyeol calling him.

"I'll be right back..." Kyungsoo excused himself. Jongin and Gayoung nodded in understanding.

"Were you practicing the lines?" Jongin asked noticing the papers in Gayoungs hand.

"Yes.." Gayoung said chuckling nervously. "Since the director said this scene should be one of the scene-stealer moments and we haven't had many romantic scenes too, I am sort of nervous..."

Jongin understood Gayoung's nervousness, Since this is a complete rom-com, there weren't any kiss scenes, or were interrupted for comedic relief. But Since they were about to shoot scenes almost close to the climax of the movie, the director wanted to have the Scene for the viewer's satisfaction.

"Don't worry much Gayoung-ah...We'll definitely make it work." Jongin said winking trying to lighten the mood. Gayoung could feel her cheeks slightly getting warm. "Let's try our lines once again..."

"Okay!" Gayoung clapped her hands excitedly. Jongin and Gayoung started their practice by getting into emotion.

Being unaware of a pair of eyes *glaring* watching them, the actors laughed out loud.

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