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"Ah! You guys are back!" Mrs.Park quickly took the ingredients from us and told us to wait in the living room.

"Chanyeol can you check the lights on the living room. The lights keep on flickering." Mrs.Park said pointing at the tube light before going into the kitchen.

"Yeah alright."

I looked at Chanyeol who was now changing the light.

Is it really you?


"I don't know how, but Byul seems to like you a lot," Yoora said chuckling looking at us, as Byul tried to crawl on my lap. "And oddly it feels nice talking to you too..." Yoora said smiling sweetly.

Smiling I nodded my head. "Me too..." Somehow...Speaking to her was really pleasant. It was a familiar feeling I couldn't point out.

"Are you and Chanyeol close?" Yoora asked looking at me smiling. The sudden question got me off-guard.


Honestly, I still have no idea What kind of relationship we have. Are we acquaintances? Colleagues?.... Friends?

"Well- We are- um-" Before I could complete, Yoora chuckled.

"I hope you guys are friends..." Yoora said sighing at the end. "It's nice to see him all excited after a long time," Yoora said laughing.

Chanyeol is excited? Because of me...?

The sudden thought made my heart skip a beat.

What the-

"Chanyeol has always been alone ever since he was a kid..." She said smiling a little sad.

"He was a bright kid when he was little, but after our dad just left us...Chanyeol changed completely. With so much going on in the house...Chanyeol simply kept all the troubles to himself. Bottling all up at such a small age. I didn't even know he was being bullied...I could no longer see his real smile..." Yoora said her eyes glistening.

Chanyeol was bullied...?

Suddenly, I remembered when Chanyeol asked me if I had bullied anyone...

No way...did he really think I was some kind of a bully??

"And then suddenly one day I saw him smiling, His clothes were tattered but he was smiling. He said he found a new friend from Seoul...and they played for a week till that kid had to go back." Yoora said chuckling at the memory.

A sudden memory flashed before my eyes.

Wait- Why did I suddenly remember that kid...?

Loey...My first real friend.

Most of the kids wanted to be my friend just because of my family or money or because thier mom said so...

But Loey didn't care for those. He was a true friend of mine. Though it was just for a short period. The only other who treats me that way knowing my secret is Jongdae.

"But somehow he changed a little after that day..."

"And after we moved to Seoul, He changed a little...and then suddenly one day I once again saw a different Chanyeol. He looked a lot more lively." Yoora said smiling. "I guess that's thanks to you..." I widened my eyes surprised.

"Ah n-no! We weren't-" Friends? What am I supposed to say??

"Haha...I know. You two hated each other right?" Yoora asked smirking.

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