She had not gotten a chance to talk to her deputy or Jessie as her day was suddenly very busy.  She was honestly still processing everything that happened. Her body ached, which was a constant reminder of the woman's actions.

Demi can count on one hand the number of times someone laid a hand on her. It brought back very traumatic memories from her childhood that she didn't want to think about.

By the time she got home, she was more than surprised to still find Jessie there. Not only that, but the woman had also made them both dinner. She had done a good job covering  what she could with makeup, and her long sleeves helped cover the bruises on her arms. Her officers knew better than to say anything to her.

"I want to apologize for the way I acted." Jessie started fiddling with her apron."There is no excuse."

Demi loosened her tie and hung it over the chair, "I can't imagine what you are going through. But if you ever put your hands on me like that again, I will have you arrested. "

Jessie gulped at the seriousness of her voice. "Understood." She moved forward to place their plates at opposite sides of the oval dining room table.

The food smelled delicious, whatever it was. In fact, Demi didn't even think she had half of this stuff in her fridge she had been meaning to go grocery shopping for the week when all of this started. Regardless, she dug right in moaning at the savory taste of her medium rare steak as it melted in her mouth.

"I will answer any questions you have," Jessie started as she spooned some mashed potatoes. "Ask away."

She didn't know where to start because she couldn't stand to even remember that version of herself. She once was happy, and her husband was loving. When they first started dating, he checked all her boxes and the red flags her best friend warned her about weren't there. He was the perfect boyfriend and husband.

It wasn't until they started talking about having a family and the media asking them in interviews and red carpets that things started to go downhill. Family was important to Malcom. He was very close to his mother, and she knew a part of him regretted not giving her a grandchild before she unexpectedly passed. That was the true trigger of his rage. So when they started trying to get pregnant and it wouldn't stick. He once loving and understanding husband had changed.

She reflected on a memory of her at the 2015 Grammy red carpet.  She was interviewing with E news, and the anchor had asked if they planned on starting a family. She felt her husband tense beside her, his smile never wavered as he assured them they should be extending their family soon.

Later that night, when they got home, they had gotten into an argument. Jessie had told him he should've never promised something they both knew was never going to happen. Because Jessie was infertile. She couldn't have kids even if she wanted to, and seven miscarriages and countless testing proved that. Yet somehow, her husband was still in denial and blamed her.

"They will never stop asking now!" Jessie yelled. Slamming her purse onto the counter as she crossed her arms over her chest."Don't you get it? You promised them something, and now the blogs are going to have a field day!"

She hadn't felt so much rage in her life. Because he didn't have to live up to these expectations, she did. She had to be reminded every time she walked out that door how much of a failure she was. How she couldn't give him the one thing he wanted, children.

"You are such a screw up you know that? Maybe if they keep asking it will get through your thick skull and you won't fuck it up this time." He sneered inches away from her face, fist balled at his sides. She flinched, turning her head in submission. Not bold enough to meet his eyes as she took in a sharp breath.

"And if you ever raise your voice like that at me again or question why I do things. You will regret it." He stormed off and Jessie was left alone.

She was taken out of that memory by a warm hand on her shoulder. She hadn't even realized she was crying until she felt the dampness of her cheeks.

Demi handed her a tissue.

"He loved me. He truly did. I just failed him," she cried." All he wanted was a son, and I couldn't give him that." Demi pulled the woman into her arms.

"Sweetie, that's not love, and it's not your fault. " she whispered chin, resting on the woman's head as she sobbed into her chest. "He has no right to put his hands on you ever."

Her grip around the woman tightened this new urge to protect her coming forth. " If you allow me to, I can help you.. I can protect you."

Jessie lifted her head, turning to face the woman. " I can't drag you into this. I have to do this on my own," she said, putting some distance between them now. She couldn't possibly involve anyone else. She wouldn't be able to forgive herself if something happened to the sheriff or anyone in this town because of her.

The sheriff was perplexed. She understood what she was saying but at the same time letting her do it alone just didn't sit right with her.

" I can take photos of your injuries, and we can build a case. Get a protective order, and it will help you in your divorce." The sheriff suggested litteraly out of options and just wanting the woman to accept her help

Jessie stood,"No, if I do that, he will know where I am and come here.... my picture will be plastered on every blog in minutes, and I can't have that happen." Despite everything, she still valued her privacy, and with this, she knew it would just cause a shit show PR storm that she wouldn't be able to get out of.

"You have to do something. He reported you missing, legally I have to call it in soon. You don't have much time." She said solemnly, "My department will hold out as long as we can you have my word." And with that, the sheriff walked out of the room. Dinner long forgotten.

As soon as Demi got into bed that night, she screamed into her pillow, needing to get her frustration out in some way. The situation was becoming more complicated by the second.

After several hours of tossing and turning, She shifted in her bed, letting sleep take over, not ready for what awaits in the morning.


Hey all ! I'm thinking I can wrap this story up at the 20 Chapter mark we shall see.

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