"But -" she heard from the other line frustration in her deputy voice. She already knew what he was going to say. That this wasn't protocol, and if anyone found out, they could both be out of a job.

"Look, if anyone asks, it was all me, and you were following orders, got it?"

Before he could utter another response, she ended the call. Shooting him a quick text reassuring him that they will speak tomorrow when she gets in.

By now, it was dark out. Time seemed to be moving at an exceptionally fast-pace as she slowly made her way back towards the house. Knowing that she was about to have a difficult talk.

Jessie was in her room, red hair dye droplets smeared all over the counter. She stared in the mirror emotionless as she continued to work the dye through her scalp. She had no more tears left to cry as she leaned over the tub and let the warm water wash away what she once was. Even in the moment, she couldn't believe she was here right now doing this. She didn't have much of a plan or idea where she was going once her few days were up here. A part of her wondered what was going on at home. But she quickly shook those thoughts out of her head as she completed her last rinse and blow dried her hair. She decided that she would do the big chop tomorrow not having much energy after everything that has transpired within the last couple of days.

There was a sudden knock on her door that caused her to jump and retreat out of her own thoughts. She slowly made her way over, hands slightly shaking as she turned the knob. There was still a part of her that feared her husband was standing on the other side. A breath hitched in her throat as the sheriff's frowning features came into view as she stood on the other side, two mugs of hot tea in her hands.

"Can I come in? " She smiled. Despite everything, there was a troubled look in her eyes that Jessie could not ignore. She let her in moving some of the bags over to the bed  and out of the way as she gestured for her to take a seat

Silence filled the air as they both sipped the warm raspberry tea in their mugs. Neither of them making eye contact with each other. Finally, the sheriff sighed, mustering up the courage to speak first. She figured it would be best just to be blunt with the singer. "I know who you are. When you came into town, I had my deputy run your plates..."

Jessie mug slipped out her shaking hands as she backed away from the sheriff.  Demi flinched at the sound of the glass shattering all over the floor. She could clearly see the fight of flight in Jessie's eyes. As well as what appeared to be the beginning of a panic attack. The sheriff stayed rooted in place. Having learned in the academy not to make any sudden movement when a person was in distress the way Jessie was. Deesclation was her best bet.

"Hear me out. Given the state you were in earlier, I just had to make sure you weren't a danger to myself or the people here, ok?" She slowly edged towards the shaking woman whose eyes were shot. Demi wasn't even sure she could comprehend what she was saying to her right now.

Jessie, who completely disassociated, was desperately looking for an exit only to realize the sheriff was standing by the only one. It took her years to build up the courage to finally leave her husband to leave that world behind her. And now she hadn't even been gone a week, and her cover was already blown. She couldn't let this happen she would not go back. She would rather die before she stepped foot into that old life again. She couldn't bare it any longer.

Not even thinking she dove for the window, not even caring about her belongings or even her life. It seemed to be the only way. Or at least she thought. She soon realized the window had a lock.  Which she should of expected since she was, after all, in the home of a sheriff. Her shaky, sweaty fingers reached for the latch
opening it.

Before she could get a foot out, the window the sheriff dove over the bed after her initial shock wore off. Grabbing Jessie and completely lifting the kicking and screaming woman in her arms and dragging her into the bathroom. Jessie thrashed in her arms, nails digging into the sheriff's hands  that gripped her midsection tightly, drawing blood.

She was in fight or flight mode, not even thinking about what she was doing, acting almost animalistic. Jessie was punching and screaming all the years of horror, finally spilling out of her. Demi was now replaced by her husband, and jessie wailed as she cursed his name. Throwing punch after punch as she let her anger control her every movement.

The sheriff's strength did not waver as she held Jessie flush against her, taking every blow until jessie's punches grew softer and her breathing slowed.  Jessie found herself tossed as gently as the sheriff could muster with aching limbs to the large granite tub. Jessie panted as she brought her knees to her chest, burying her head into them as she tried to gather herself. The sheriff slid down the wall, leaning against the now closed door as she slumped in front of it. Examining the cuts and already forming bruises on her arms and hands and hissing at the sting. She could only imagine what her face looked like. She was sure she took a couple of elbow shots to the face.

"Shit.." she muttered, grabbing some toilet paper from the rack beside her and attempting to wrap it the best she could. "Are you fucking insane?? Are you trying to get yourself killed?"

The anger that seeped out the sheriff's voice broke Jessie out of the panic attack she was having. Realization dawning on her  she watched the sheriff attend to her wombs. Hair out of the bun it was in earlier and guled to her face by the sweat dripping from it  Tank top torn and her face red with pure hot anger as she glared. Chest rising and falling rapidly as she tried to catch her breath

"Look lady I don't know what your fucking problem is but---..." she started again not quite ready to let what happened go. Her hands stung the most. She doesn't even recall Jessie's nails being that long earlier. It looked like she had went tow to tow with a mountain lion. There was also this soreness  in her jaw. She tried her best to stretch it out, knowing it was going to hurt worse in the morning.

"I didn't mean to harm you..." Jessie softly uttered. Attention directed at the woman's hand.

Despite the conflicting emotions she was feeling, Demi couldn't bring herself to ride the anger out much longer. She eyed the woman who seemed to finally be returned back to herself.

Demi scoffed as she attempted to stand and get a clear look at her injuries in the mirror, "I could have you arrested for assaulting an officer."

Jessie slumped further into the tub exhaustion finally hitting her from all the energy she used for fighting. If Demi was going to take her to jail for what she did she more than deserved it. She was ashamed for how she acted. She never experienced that king of panic or rage before.

"Look, it's late, and I need to clean up and sleep. We can talk about this in the morning. But I swear to you Jessica, if you run during the night, I will personally deliver you to the proper authorities you got it?" Demi didn't need to turn around to see the woman's head shake in agreement. She just shut the bathroom door behind her, wondering how she was going to her herself out of this mess.

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