Chapter Twenty-Three

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Jimin chuckled the second he saw the door to the dance studio slide open.

He and Yoongi had been practising privately, introducing the elder to the new form of stress relief and helping him learn how to use his body.

The blonde was a fast learner despite his reservations and lack of self-assurance. He listened and watched the younger boy intensely, following every movement with laser concentration. The exact concentration he claimed not to have.

He wasn't good at learning from books, but using his body and his hands, the older boy was more than capable. And it was impressive.

But like the first time the pair danced together, the toll that the years of abuse had taken on his body was apparent. Yoongi was exhausted quickly and had to keep taking regular breaks. He panted and gasped for air as he lay on the floor, trying to recover from the effects of the strenuous exercise.

Jimin sat by the blonde's side and lightly brushed away the honey strands, smiling softly when their eyes connected.

Again, there was that clear, haze-free look that came only when the boy wasn't plagued by his horrid thoughts and violent memories. When the blonde wasn't haunted by pain, he looked soft and gentle, less standoffish.

The younger boy was happy to see that dancing offered the older boy the same sense of sanctuary it gave him. He didn't have the same passion and desire to learn everything as Jimin did, but he needed the solace that dance gave him.

Jimin was about to suggest that the pair head off to grab lunch when he saw the door open and a familiar hand poke around, rustling a large paper bag before Hoseok's head popped around.

The boy's grin was luminous.

He was happy to see his two friends together, particularly the blonde. Hobi had gotten used to sitting with Yoongi, and it felt strange to sit beside an empty seat again.

But the dark-haired boy's face was nothing compared to Jungkook's when he peered around the corner, his doe-eyes lighting up the second he spotted the older boy lying on the floor.


The tall, black-haired boy practically sprinted from the door as he came closer, dropping to his knees by the elder's side with a massive grin on his face.

For the first time since meeting the youngest boy, he wasn't wearing his signature bucket hat, and the elder could see his entire face. He was a sweet-looking boy, and his smile brightened the whole room.

"You're back! You're back!"

His jet-black hair hung over his eyes as he bounced on the spot, his eyes widening by the second as he tried to restrain himself. Jungkook desperately held himself back as he glanced between the pink and blonde boy.

Jimin recognised the sign right away and giggled, patting the younger boy on the back as he watched his other friends enter the room.

Taehyung followed Hobi with another paper bag filled with food, a little smile on his face too.

The pink-haired boy was more than pleased to see his closest friends coming to welcome Yoongi back into their circle. He was still relatively new to their group and hadn't offered much in the way of conversation when they'd been together, but nonetheless, the boys were all pleased to see him.

Jimin's attention was drawn back to the youngest of the group as his restraint broke, and he launched himself at the eldest as he lay on the floor.

The pink-haired boy couldn't hold back the giggle as Jungkook dropped himself down, his head falling on Yoongi's chest as his hands buried into the boy's t-shirt, clutching tightly to hug the older boy.

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