The Ghost In The Corridor

Start from the beginning

"What are you talking about? When I woke up you were sitting up on your bed speaking gibberish, it basically sounded like another language then you left the room." Kacey said looking down at her friend whom she had never seen in such a state. "Perhaps you were sleep walking?" She suggested, it made sense, you weren't supposed to wake up people who were sleep walking since it would just make them more confused. "Hey, lets go back to the room ok? You need rest." Kacey grabbed Sierra's hand pulling her up and guiding her back down to their room to get some rest.

When morning came the two did not speak of the incident the night before, they went to breakfast as normal then met up with Dante to go to class. Their first class of the day was herbology, Kacey seemed to really enjoy the class, in Sierra and Dante's case they weren't super thrilled by the idea of tending to the plants. They had to make their way over to the greenhouses and put on some gardening coats to protect their robes and keep them warm, the greenhouse was like an icebox in the morning. The three made their way over to the potting tables and awaited for class to start.

"Good morning everyone!" Professor Sprout shouted as she hit a cowbell, "Welcome to greenhouse three, second years. Now gather around everyone" She waved over as the students approached the tables. "Today we are going to re-pot Mandrakes" Turning around to grab the pot behind her, "Who here can tell me the properties of the Mandrake root?" She asked giving everyone a moment to put their hands on.

The class stayed rather quiet, only two people raised their hands, Hermione and Kacey.

"Yes, Miss Granger?" Sprout motioned for the class to settle down and listen.

Hermione fixed her posture "Mandrake or Mandragora..."

"Here we go" Sierra whispered to Dante who was standing next to her, causing him to snicker which earned them a scolding glare from Sprout.

Hermione glanced at them before continuing " Is used to return those who have been petrified to their original state, its also quite dangerous , the mandrakes cry is fatal to anyone who hears it."

"Excellent! Ten points to Gryffindor!" Sprout shouted.

Dante looked at Sierra and Kacey with a teasing smile, even though they had acquired quite the friendship it was still fun to throw some house rivalry in there, with Gryffindor having taken the house cup from Slytherin last year the wounds were still sore.

"Now, as our mandrakes are only seedlings their cries won't kill you yet, but they could knock you out for several hours, which is why I've given all of you a a pair of earmuffs for auditory protection, so could you please out them on right away?" Sprout surveyed everyone as they put them on. "Quickly!" She yelled shaking her head "Flaps down, now watch me closely. You grasp your Mandrake firmly, you pull it sharply out of the pot-" She pulled the mandrake out which let out an ear piercing scream. Sprout looked at it with admiration "And now you put it down on the new pot and pour some dirt over it to keep it warm."

The students stared anxiously waiting for the creature to stop screaming, one of them, Neville began to sway back and forth turning pale. Before anyone was able to do anything he fell face first onto the stone floor of the green house. Most erupted in laughter at the sight.

" Seems like Longbottom has neglected his earmuffs" Sprout sighed

"No ma'am he's just fainted" Seamus called out with concern.

"Yes, well just leave him there" Sprout said waving him off  "Right, on we go, plenty of pots to go around, pull out your mandrakes!"

Sierra pulled the mandrake out of the pot and it began screaming immediately, the sound of all of the mandrakes at once started making her feel nauseous. She looked at the thing as it dangled from her hand, it was absolutely hideous. She looked around the room her eyes stopping on Malloy who seemed to be fighting with it. The idiot had gotten his finger stuck in its mouth. She couldn't help but to laugh which caught Malfoy's attention as he liberated his finger. He gave her a cold stare before putting his mandrake down on the pot and burying it. She did the same avoiding eye contact with Malloy.

"Very good!" Sprout chirped "Now we will let them settle down, follow me" She said as she walked out of the green house into the corridors, once all of the students were out she closed the door. "Now you may all take off your earmuffs, for the remainder of the class I want you all to look around at the different plants we grow here, you will be learning how to maintain all of them through out the year, after this you are dismissed to go on lunch"

After Sprout had dismissed them Kacey turned to Sierra and Dante "Come on, this way!" She exclaimed.

Dante and Sierra shrugged and followed Kacey down some stairs, leading into another green house. As they approached growling and snarling could be heard ahead.

"Kacey, what exactly are you dragging us to" Sierra asked with a hint of anxiety in her voice. She wasn't very familiar with the species of plants that the wizarding world had to offer, last year they went over some plants,  but they looked just like regular plants.

"I am dragging you to meet a very dangerous vegetable" Kacey replied with a giggle as she opened the door to their destination. Inside lay some cabbages in large pots, Kacey picked up a trick and threw it at one of them. The cabbage opened up and chomped the stick in half which caused the other cabbages to awake and go in a growling frenzy. "They are Chinese chomping cabbages, they are pretty useful in getting rid of unwanted plants"

"Wow, you're sure you weren't supposed to be in Hufflepuff?" Dante laughed then looked over at Sierra who inched towards the door. "You scared Barrows?"

Sierra looked over at Dante rolling her eyes "No.... I'm just not used to seeing attack plants that's all"

"Sure, attack plants" Dante laughed knowing she would never admit to that "Well Kacey you saw your wild cabbages, lets start heading over to the great hall before Barrows here passes out"

"I'm not scared of the plants." Sierra sighed as she head out the door.

"You sure? You look pale" Dante teased.

Sierra looked over at Kacey who shook her head. She glared at Dante as they walked towards the exit of the green houses back into the school. They began to make their journey over to the great hall, as they made their way up the stairs Sierra stopped seeing a familiar figure turn a corner. Sierra grabbed Kacey and Dante by the hand and ran over to the wall where she had seen the figure go, peeking around the corner she could still see him walking. "Do you guys see him?"

"Why are we stalking a student?" Dante asked.

Kacey elbowed him on the side putting a finger to her mouth signaling him to be quiet. "Because he's not real" She whispered as she pointed down at the boys robes, they were a bit transparent and he wasn't walking rather floating.

The boy turned around after hearing them, making eye contact with Sierra before banishing. "That's what I saw last night" Sierra said turning to Kacey.

"But how come I couldn't see him yesterday?" Kacey pondered.

"I missed something crucial here didn't I" Dante said trying to wrap his mind around what they had just seen. Ghosts were common in Hogwarts, but he had never heard of a student ghost.

"We'll explain at lunch, come on lets go before there are no spots left" Sierra replied as they resumed walking to the great hall.

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